【禁聞】美國人幸福嗎? 中國人談美國大選

【新唐人2012年11月08日訊】美國大選在全民參與的熱鬧氛圍中落幕了,歐巴馬當選連任;而另一臺同樣決定全民領導者的十八大,卻在中國大陸神秘又風聲鶴唳的氛圍中拉開。對比美國大選與中共「18大」,中國民眾心裡是怎麼想的? 歐巴馬連任美國總統,對未來的美中關係將會有甚麼影響?下面就和本臺記者一起去聽聽他們是怎麼說的?


大陸武漢人士秦先生:「美國人民真幸福!那比我們幸福多了!我還是希望羅姆尼獲勝,結果…… 歐巴馬還是勝了。但是也祝賀歐巴馬,總歸一條,我還是挺羨慕他們的,如果我們能像他們那樣(選總統),那就好了。估計我們這一輩的看不到了!十八大之後,中國也不會有多大的改變,政治改革還是會停滯不前。」











採訪/易如 編輯/周平 後製/葛雷

U.S.』 VS China』s Leadership Election

The U.S. presidential election ended with the participation
of all citizens in a lively atmosphere. Obama was re-elected.
However, in China the same election deciding the leader
is starting in a mysterious atmosphere.
Chinese people are comparing the U.S. presidential election
with the CCP』 (Chinese Communist Party) 18th congress.
Is Obama their ideal president? How would this affect
the China – U.S. relationship? Let』s see what they said.

After Obama won the election, he updated his Twitter with:

』Four more years.』 He also published a 『hugging』 photo
with his wife Michelle.
Obama』s wife Michelle also updated her Twitter account:
』More than anything, I want to thank you all for everything.
I am so grateful to every one of you for your support
and your prayers.』

Mr. Qin from Wuhan: “The Americans are really happy!
They are much happier than us!
I hoped Romney will win,
it turns out…Obama won, I congratulate Obama.
If we could have the same presidential election, it would be
great. Probably our generation cannot see it happen!
After the 18th congress, China will not change so much,
the political reform will not move forward.”

Before U.S.』 election, studies showed Obama』s support rate
being over 80% in about 30 countries around the world.
In China his support rate was only 48%,
whereas Romney had 52%.

It was said, Romney is very hard on his attitude towards
China and said he will list China as a currency manipulator the first day he is elected.
Yet he is more popular in China, why is this?
Media went with this question to the mainland Chinese.
Could it be that the Chinese do not believe Romney will be
hard on China? Or they welcome him to be hard on China?

Zhu Ruifeng from 』People』s Supervision Network』:
“Obama did not support much China』s democracy future.
He only talked about the economy and asked China to buy
its national debt, he focused so little on China』s human rights.
Maybe people want to change the president to pay attention
to us Chinese who live in dire straits, people maybe think like this.”

Xie Tian, professor at University of South Carolina『
Aiken Business School spoke on the issue too.
Prof. Xie believes western countries including America,
consider first the trade benefits with mainland China.
Thus they have become weaker in their requests on China』s
human rights. Compared to before, U.S.』 justice lags behind.』

Xie Tian: “For example, the organ harvesting, that we
believe Wang Lijun went to the U.S. Chengdu Embassy for.
He handed in the evidences to the Obama government,
but he still…
I feel it is very sad that they cannot uphold
their moral stance before the economic benefits.”

So, after Obama was re-elected, will the relation between
China and the U.S. change? Xie Tian believes not much.

Xie Tian: “We predict that Obama will continue
his original economic policies in the future.
He actually did not show signs of a hard-line
on the human rights issue.
For the persecution of Falun Gong, Tibet,
for protecting the rights,
such as in the organ harvesting issue,
we can』t see him having a clear understanding and position.”

Hu Jintao, who』s leadership position ends on November 7,
congratulated Obama.
However, where the 18th congress, starting on November 8,
will take China to?

Zhu Ruifeng: “Actually the 18th congress is CCP』s central
committee electing the CCP central committee.
It has nothing to do with the 1.3 billion Chinese people,
and the rest of the CCP members.
They have already decided everything,
and just raise up their hands there.
The U.S. is a democratic country,
the public can vote for their own president.
This president represents the Americans』 benefits, it is
a very good system that if the president does not consider the people, he will not get votes.”

Hong Kong』s Oriental Daily wrote that all U.S. citizens
took part in the presidential election in a lively atmosphere.
However, the presidential election in China is mysterious,
and a black-box operated, the media points out.
