【禁聞】中共「反外逃小組」 嚴防官員偷跑




時事評論員 邢天行:「這一點說明中共外逃官員已經是十分嚴重,他不光是資產外流的問題,最主要是讓中共在國際面前大丟臉,所以他們從他的面子上考慮,他就是需要採取一些措施,給外界一個印象,就是他的一個『反腐倡廉』的姿態。」



北京時政評論員 華頗:「因為最近來講,中共的一些退休大老頻頻露面,我覺得是給胡、溫、習撐腰打氣的意思,而且這次成立『追逃』,也是來威懾他們的對立面,主要是江派,不讓江派這些人再出來興風作浪,保證十八大召開。」


時事評論員 邢天行:「這個時候成立打擊外逃小組,我覺得跟十八大交班、薄熙來這個案子還是有一定關係的,因為從薄熙來這個案子不斷往前發展這一點來看,涉及人員他們有可能也不斷的想外逃,那麼這個時候,從整個的兩邊這個權力制衡這個角度來講,現在成立打擊外逃從李克強來抓,至少對有一部分人能起到一定的震懾作用。」


採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

CCP Establishes ‘Anti-Escape Team’ to Prevent Officials Escaping China

Several days ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
established a team to stop the escape from China of public officials of the party, government and state.
This is to prevent corrupt officials from escaping China.
The team is led by the Vice Prime Minister Li Keqiang.
Bao Tong, former political secretary of former
CCP leader Zhao Ziyang commented.
“The corruption of CCP senior leaders is inevitable,
unless the system is fundamentally changed.”
Observers suggest that is beneficial for the CCP
to take this action ahead of the 18th National Congress.

Hong Kong’s Chengming Magazine reported that
on September 22, the China State Council established
a temporary team called “Anti-Escape of Public Officials
of the Party, Government and State from China”
This is led by Li Keqiang, with Li Yuanchao,
Meng Jianzhu and Li Zhanshu as members.

The report said that the critical areas
for “anti-escape” have three main focuses.
These are 20 airports, 9 ports and 12 border crossings.

It will also deploy more than 8,000 special police
to guard these key airport, ports and border crossings.
It has installed more than 350 new
anti-counterfeiting instruments at these locations.
It has updated ID cards, Passports and other import-export
control documents for over 70,000 officials at departmental level, with almost 448,000 officials at the county level.

Xing Tianxing, current affairs commentator:
“It shows the issue of CCP officials escaping is very serious.
It’s not only a problem of losing assets, but most importantly,
it is about the risk of the CCP losing face internationally.
In order to prevent losing face, the CCP will take any action
to show the world that it is anti-corrupt and upright.”

Based on incomplete statistics, from the end of 2000 to 2011,
there were 18,487 escaped officials arrested by the CCP.
In 5 years, the total amount of seized cash
and materials was worth 54.19 Billion RMB.

Xing Tianxing suggests that the CCP launched this action
just before the 18th Congress, naming Vice Prime Minister Li Keqiang to lead the team, is trying to win people’s support.
It attempts to show the determination
of anti-corruption initiatives by the new leaders.
Beijing current affairs’ commentator Hua Po, suggests
however, that the CCP setting up the “anti-escape team” before the 18th Congress is more about “factional fighting”.

Hua Po: “Some CCP veteran leaders have been standing
up in support of Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and Xi Jinping.
Establishing the ‘anti-escape’ team is a threat
to opposing factions, who are mainly under Jiang Zemin.
They don’t want Jiang’s faction to rise up or do anything.

They are protecting themselves so that
the 18th Congress can go smoothly.”

Xing Tianxing analyzes that the ‘anti-escape’ team
shows the seriousness of CCP officials’ escaping.
It’s not only losing China’s assets, but most importantly,
the CCP is afraid of state secrets being leaked.
He gives an example, that in 1998, former CCP Civil
Aviation Administrator Shen Tu escaped to South Korea.
The CCP reached a secret agreement with the South Korean
government, which subsequently extradited Shen Tu back to China, without leaking any highly confidential secrets.
Another example is when Wang Lijun fled
to the U.S. Consulate, and leaked a series of very serious inside stories about the CCP.

Xing Tianxing: “I think setting up an anti-escape team
is related to the leadership changes during 18th Congress.
It is also related to the Bo Xilai case, because as this case
progresses, all officials involved are seeking to escape.
From the fighting of the two factions, Hu Jintao
and Wen Jiabao have started to act against escape.
They have named Li Keqiang to lead,
to shock and awe at least some of them.”

Xing Tianxing comments that the anti-escape team can’t
Stop internal scandals of the CCP being revealed.
CCP corruption is a systemic form of corruption,
with all its members involved to some extent.
Maybe the anti-escape team can act
as a deterrent for some of the officials.
But officials who want to escape will be well prepared.
