【禁聞】什邡萬民大衝突 「90後」成主力軍

【新唐人2012年7月5日訊】四川什邡萬民抗議興建「鉬銅冶鍊廠」引發的大衝突持續發酵,「 90後」學生成了抗暴的主力軍,鄰近的廣漢學生也紛紛聲援,在遭到中共特警的血腥鎮壓後,學生們喊出一句:「我們可以犧牲,我們是90後!」 更是震撼了許多中國民眾的心。評論指出,這說明現在中國大陸社會的黑暗和不公,已經嚴重侵襲到了校園。















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/葛雷

Shi Fang Conflict, Post-90s Become Main Force

Si Chuan Shi Fang, tens of thousands of people protested
against the construction of the molybdenum copper smelting plant, which caused continuous conflicts.
Post-90 students became the main force including neighboring
students from Guang Han.
After the bloody suppression by the CCP special police,
students shouted: “We can sacrifice, We are post-90s!",
which has shaken the hearts of many Chinese.

The comments pointed out that, this indicates the darkness
and injustice of mainland society has now severely spilled over, into the campus.

On 4th July, the Shi Fang government published an
announcement about the Hongda molybdenum copper project
that police have taken away 27 so-called personnel
who are suspected of crimes,
six people are under administrative detention because of
throwing stones, bricks at the police,
the other 21 have been released after education and
criticism on the evening of July 3.

But the local people revealed to NTDTV that, on 3rd July,
there were still large numbers of people rushing to the streets.
Students from neighboring city Guang Han also came to support.

The number of people involved in the protest was up around
30,000 to 40,000. Shi Fang police seized a lot of students.
At midnight, there were still tens of thousands of people
who gathered in front of the government and asked the police to release the students and people.

Shi Fang is one of the most severely hit districts
after the Wenchuan earthquake.
The local people oppose the construction of
the molybdenum copper processing plant.
On the evening of July 1, hundreds of students petitioned
in front of the Shi Fang government,
on July 2, the school issued a warning Stating, if the students
continue to participate in the protest, they will be expelled.
But these students are fearless and continue to petition.

On the morning of July 2, they (students) bravely held up
banners such as “Save Shi Fang, Unite the whole city” and
went towards Shi Fang government, and shouted
”Protect Shi Fang’s environment, Return my beautiful home" and other slogans.
The local people joined and many people signed on
a democracy wall, requiring the cessation of the molybdenum copper processing plant,
and requiring Li Chengjin, Shi Fang’s Municipal Party
Committee Secretary to leave Shi Fang.

The authorities deployed nearly a thousand riot police and
armed police to dispense tear gas and shock bombs to suppress the protest forcibly.
The students threw bricks, stones,
mineral water bottles etc to fight back.
The special police chased the students
with shields and batons.
Witnesses scolded the police as being “crazy".

Many people were severely beaten,
and even some babies were injured.
Netizens captured the images and videos
which are quite astonishing.

In the afternoon of July 3, local students said, “The special police
used shields and batons yesterday, today, they replace with guns."

Local people pointed out that two students were killed in the
incident, hundreds of people were injured,
more than 20 students were arrested. But the Communist
authorities denied any death from the conflict.

Female teacher from Shi Fang: “It seems like 13 students were
injured severely.
One 14-year-old student was beaten by more than
a dozen police. These people and students were unarmed."

Shi Fang post-90 students were bloodily suppressed by the
special police and become the main force of the local protest league.
They became famous overnight for their slogan:
“For Shi Fang, We can sacrifice, Because we are post-90s",
which has touched many people’s hearts.

Chinese constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao said, this
sentence from Shi Fang’s post-90 students has aroused a big response in society,
indicating that the darkness and injustice of society
has severely invaded the campus.

Chen Yongmiao: “The campus is no longer a park,
the high school students cannot escape, they have been eroded by the injustice of society.
They have felt that they have become the future of society,
the main force of the social movements, and the power of courage to sacrifice."

Internet writer Jing Chu pointed out that the “Shi Fang Conflict"
once again tore down the camouflage of the Communist Party.
It passes on fear from generation to generation,
now it imposes fear again to the post-90s, stamps out the hope of their lives.

Jing Chu: “This should be a good sign which indicates these
students are awakened. They are unwilling to be enslaved.
The environmental events are like this, they transfer many
high-polluting enterprises into mainland under the name of developing the economy.
Then the water became polluted which
caused a lot of local social problems."

Mainland cultural commentator Yan Shaoxiong
said on the microblog that:
after seeing ““We are post-90s, We are not afraid of sacrifice",
although I feel pleased, I also sense guilt or more self-blame.
We these cowards which are post-70s, 60s, 50s,
have let the evil forces to grow, the ones who sacrifice should not be post-90s!"
