【禁聞】劉淇出局 江派難堪 高層洗牌






時事評論員 邢天行:「最關鍵的是,在召開之前,大家都知道薄熙來和王立軍這件事情發生之後,高層內鬥的消息已經被世界關注了,而且江系也不斷的放風,也就是說實際上能不能正常的換屆,就在這個換屆選舉當中,外界都在關注,從這裡邊去品味一下,江系人馬還有胡錦濤這一派,哪一派是得勢的,因為它的內幕包的很緊,所以這是人們關注的一個熱點。」


時事評論員 任百鳴:「而是由省級常委的人,去兼任政法委,就是政法委書記不做為一個獨立的一個職位,在常委裡面占有一席之地了,這個職位被踢出常委了,大量的公安局局長,已經不兼任政法委了,他這樣一分權,把政法委的權力分開以後,政法委的權力就被削弱了。」


時政評論家 橫河:「北戴河會議是一個比較關鍵的,就是按照中共自己圈子內部來說的話,北戴河會議是各派擺實力,然後分配位置的一個時機。」




採訪編輯常春 後製黎安安

Liu Qi Out of Provincial Party Committee Embarrasses Jiang Faction

After Beijing Municipal Party Congress elected
Guo Jinlong (mayor of Beijing)
Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of
the Communist Party of China on Tuesday,
31 Provincial Party Committee general elections that
took place over the past 9 months have concluded.
Reshuffling of the high ranking CCP officials is
of particular concern.
It is suspected that even the upcoming Beidaihe meeting
will not solve the surviving crisis the CCP is facing.
The following is our report.

The 3rd July concluded the CCP Provincial Party
general election over the past 9 months.
Liaoning took the lead in mid-October last year,
Beijing Municipal the last, a total of 31 provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities underwent
Provincial Party Committee general election.
Guo Jinlong, replacing Liu Qi, became the new
Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee.

Commentator Lin Zixu told NTD that Liu Qi is the only one
failed to be re-elected among the 31 provincial party committee elections.
Although it can be understood as this being an age issue,
the 30 to 1 ratio has indeed embarrassed both Liu Qi and the Bloody Debt Gang.

Lin Zixu: “In fact, Liu Qi’s dismissal was inevitable.
Despite the past and taking the recent Wang Lijun incident as an example,
Liu Qi stood by Zhou Yongkang and opposed Hu and Wen.

There is no way Hu and Wen would tolerate
such a person to control the capital.
The Beijing municipal congress was originally
scheduled in May, but delayed for two months.
The fierce struggle within the CCP is evident.
Hu and Wen were determined to remove Liu Qi."

The general election before the 18th National Congress
has drawn attention and caused intense responses.
Commentator Xing Tianxin explains why.

Commentator Xing Tianxin: “The issues are that after
Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun made news headlines,
the intense infighting was exposed, along with Jiang’s
faction purposely exposing information,
whether or not the power transfer will go smoothly
during the 18th National Congress,
people are trying to get a hint from the general election.

That’s the reason why the general election has become
a hot topic.
People want to know who has the power,
the Jiang faction or the Hu faction."

Commentator Ren Baiming, however,
believes the provincial elections signify one critical point;
that is “the Secretary of Politics and Law Commission (PLC)
will no longer serve the Politburo Standing Committee."

Commentator Ren Baiming: “Instead, the provincial
Standing Committee will serve as the Secretary of the PLC.
Therefore, the Secretary of PLC will no longer exist as
an independent post, and does not hold a seat on the Politburo Standing Committee.
Many Public Security Bureau Chiefs will no longer
concurrently hold positions on the Politics and Law Committee.
This separation of power from the Politics and
Law Committee weakens the power of the PLC.”

It is understood that the CCP leadership
will be finalized in the Beidaihe meeting.
Among the 25 Politburo members,
at least 15 of them are new faces,
and two of them may become strong competitors
for CCP leadership in five years time.

Political critic Heng He: “The Beidaihe meeting is the key.

Historically, the Beidaihe meeting is when the power
allocation among factions of the CCP circle will take place."

The Diplomat magazine published an article on 28th June
and stated,
“Political patronage at the top in the leadership transition
process can only produce a fragile coalition,
cobbled together through bargaining and horse-trading.

Key appointments are made not based on
individual competence or proven record,
but on personal loyalty and considerations of
how such appointments can help balance the distribution of power among factions."

Heng He: “It imposes three meanings:

firstly, the provincial level election will not affect
the layout of the 18th National Congress;
secondly, fighting for a seat prior to the
18th National Congress is still questionable;
and thirdly, even if it goes smoothly, the conflict within
the CCP and in society will not get resolved.
The crisis the CCP is facing concerns its survival and
the 18th National Congress will not resolve it."

Xing Tianxin comments that in the new generation of
leadership team,
many of them have executed Jiang Zemin’s persecution policy,
including Guo Jinlong.
Although considered an ally of Hu Jintao, Guo Jinlong
has also implemented the policy to persecute Falun Gong.
At the new post, it is yet to be seen whether or not they will
turn over a new leaf and quit committing the crime.
