












採訪/常春 編輯/李謙 後製/李若琳

Japan Media: Knew Zhou Yongkang’s Position Would Be Lowered

Japan’s Diplomat magazine predicted that
the successor of Zhou Yongkang, chief of
the Political-Legislative Affairs Committee of the Chinese
Communist Party would probably be downgraded.
The CCP Politburo Standing Committee would be shrunk
to 7 seats from 9 and the successor of Li Changchun,
propaganda chief could also be expected to be kicked out of
the Politburo Standing Committee.
Commentators say, no matter how the CCP changes
its appearance, the regime will not relax its control over crackdown and propaganda.
Only the disintegration of the CCP can bring real change
to China.

The Diplomat magazine reviewed on June 29 that

the PLAC was overpowered for"controlling the police,
domestic intelligence, the procuratorate and prisons."
“The security-first preserving stability policy" has created
“perverse effects" for the Chinese who have become increasingly angry.

The article thinks that Hu Jintao and his successor, Xi Jinping,
“may have reconciled over the need to reform the CCP".
The official publications of the Central Party School headed
by Xi recently criticized the PLAC’s “handling of preserving stability" and Zhou Yongkang.
This implies that the power of preserving stability
would be taken back by the CCP general secretary
and the position of Zhou’s successor would
be downgraded “to the Politburo level".

In February, Chongqing’s ex-top cop Wang Lijun fled to
the US consulate to seek asylum.
Subsequently, Zhou Yongkang’s chosen successor Bo Xilai,
ex- Party chief of Chongqing, was ousted and investigated.
Next ensued the successful escape of Chen Guangcheng
from the PLAC’s persecution of he and his family in Shandong.
Chen entered the US embassy at the end of April,
while openly calling on Wen Jiabao to investigate
and punish the crimes committed by Shandong PLAC.

In early June, 6.4 Tiananmen protest activist Li Wangyang
died suspiciously in custody in Hunan.
Local authorities’flawed allegation that Li death was suicide
aroused wide public suspicion.
Afterwards, large-scale mass activities were staged
demanding that authorities investigate Li’s death.

A string of incidents kept unveiling inside stories of the PLAC,
leading to public voices’growing louder of removing the PLAC.
In CCP’s recent provincial power transfer,

the position of PLAC’s Party chief was no longer
held by the CCP’s top provincial cop.

Wang Beiji (Critic): “Overseas, it’s generally believed that
the Politburo Standing Committee is expected to be cut down to 7 seats from 9 at the CCP’s 18th Congress.
And the role of the PLAC would be diluted and downgraded.
Such an understanding is reasonable, I think."

Wang Beiji points out that the CCP is trying to have
a make-over in order to maintain its rule.
That is just a change in form but not in content, which
Remains unchanged the CCP’s nature of committing evil deeds, says Wang.

Wang Beiji: “It’s impossible for the CCP to change its nature
of controlling China and the people by suppression and propaganda.
No matter how it positions the PLAC, or how it changes
the name of Central Committee of Public Security Commission, the actions are just not making sense."

The Diplomat magazine states, lowering the position of the
PLAC chair implies that the
standing committee would be shrunk to 7 members from 9,
as it needs to have an odd number of positions,
and the successor in charge of propaganda would also be
kicked out of the standing committee.
That suggests a “possibility of even more significant
reshuffling of leadership portfolios" and
“the tremendous uncertainty surrounding the power transfer
to the so-called Fifth Generation of Chinese leaders."

Wang Beiji: “Even the dropping of security and propaganda
from its standing committee is a floating action.
This is because its nature is still unchanged.

In other words, a normal political party is supposed not to
interfere with a lot of things,
including ideology, the existence and development of
the culture, and its prosperity, individual’s faith and religions."

Wang says that the CCP exerts an all-sided monopoly and
centralization over China, and the growing mass resistance has inflated its rule crisis.
Under these circumstances, the regime has to resort to
some surface change by creating illusions like
loosening controls over crackdown and propaganda,
Wang says.
But it is actually the CCP’s lies that reduce
its ways to continue its control of the people.
