【禁聞】溫家寶探底 18大選票細節曝光













Wen Jiabao tests 18th National Congress Votes

Candidates of the Politburo Standing Committee of the
18th National Congress have been much speculated.
Overseas media reported that CCP has conducted a survey
vote on potential candidates in a recent meeting held by high-ranking cadres.
It was interpreted as “the Standing Committee of
the 18th National Congress will shift from nine to seven."
Analysts believe Hu and Wen are literally “cleaning house"
through a democratic vote within the Party.

Reuters reported in early May that if a change occurs in
the Standing Committee of the CCP number,
leader Hu Jintao would hope to reduce that to seven
while others hope to increase that to eleven.
Japanese Jiji Press and Hong Kong’s South China Morning
Post have also reported that
the number of Standing Committee might return to six or seven
during the 15th National Congress to better facilitate decision making.

A source revealed to the foreign media that the CCP senior
cadres have conducted a survey on Committee candidates.
Over 300 people participated in the survey, in which they were
asked to vote for five Standing Committee candidates, and ten Politburo member candidates.
It is believed that this is suggesting that the 18th National
Congress Standing Committee will change from nine to seven.

It is understood that Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will remain
on the Politburo Standing Committee.
The remaining seven will retire due of age.

The overseas media reported that the designated five votes
for Standing Committee candidates led to
the"Xi & Li and Five Standing Committee"interpretation
which was the number of Committee members during the Jiang Zemin period.

The report also revealed that Premier Wen Jiabao suggested
this survey, Hu Jintao agreed, and Xi Jinping had no objections.
Jiang Zemin who reportedly met with foreign guests did not
have the chance to express his views.

Commentator Ren Baiming believes Hu and Wen are testing
the waters through this democratic survey vote within the Party
and intentionally cleaning house; they certainly have
the support of the majority.
Changing Standing Committee members from nine to seven
means Politics and Law Committee will be lose power.
The power chain of the bloody debts gang, which uses
suppression to avoid liquidation, will be completely broken.

Commentator Ren Baiming:"Back then, Jiang Zemin extended
Politburo Standing Committee from seven to nine
upon handover of power to Hu Jintao for fear of losing control
and for ensuring his persecution policy against Falun Gong.
He forced the gangs of Politics and Law Committee and Publicity
into the Standing Committee to ensure weight and security of Jiang faction.
His tactics indeed caused great restriction to Hu and Wen.

The Politics and Law Committee, through leadership of
Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang,
respectively, have nearly become the second power center."

Commentator Xia Xiaoqiang believes this also signals that
the Hu-Wen Administration and Xi Jinping are attempting
to change the power structure arranged by the bloody debts
gang leaders, Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang.
It also confirms Financial Times’earlier report of the
Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang
transferring his authority to the Minister of Public Security,
Meng Jianzhu. Zhou Yongkang is in hopeless situation.

Xia Xiaoqiang:"Several news reports have indicated
the reformers, represented by Wen Jiabao,
have won the competition against the bloody debts gang
represented by Zhou Yongkang.
The Politics and Law committee system, the cause of
social instability in China, is being purged by Hu and Wen.
Hu and Wen are also gradually adjusting power structure
through personnel arrangement.
Changing the policy formerly set by the bloody debts gang
to persecute the public might be the next step."

Financial Times revealed that Zhou Yongkang, Secretary
of the CCP Politics and Law Committee and the Politburo Standing Committee,
is currently under investigation and has handed his power
to Public Security Minister Meng Jianzhu.
The transfer of power was reportedly due to Zhou Yongkang’s
strong support of Bo Xilai, the former Chongqing Party Secretary who was purged earlier.

It was also reported that Wen Jiabao had requested
the investigation, threatening resignation otherwise.
Thus Hu Jintao decided to conduct the investigation of Zhou
Yongkang, had him hand over power, and restricted his authority to select successors.
