【禁聞】學生指孔慶東宣揚暴力 籲校方辭退

















Peking University Students Urge Kong Qingdong』s Dismissal

verbally abused a reporter and bragged about it on a blog.
This ongoing event continues to develop.

Recently, a Peking University student initiated a campaign to
dismiss Kong, stating that as a professor,
Kong often publicly promotes violence,
thus the school authorities should dismiss him.

Reaction to Peking University professor Kong Qingdong』s
abusive behavior has been intensifying.
Yangcheng Evening News reported
that a student posted a letter on Peking University』s BBS,
urging university authorities to “punish Kong Qingdong who
openly promotes violence,” and dismiss him.
The letter said that Kong blurted out curse words
and should be punished; however, the more serious concern involves Kong』s public promotion of violence.

The letter stated that Kong』s threats of violence to others,
is far beyond the scope of freedom of speech and also violates basic teacher ethics.
The urged the Peking University School Board to
punish him.

Many Peking University students posted online comments
in support of the letter.
Students also revealed that Kong Qingdong supported
the Cultural Revolution, often swearing like a gang member.
He insults the Chinese people “shameless” and blames them
for watching Hollywood movies.
Some students defended Kong, however, the majority of
students obviously wanted to see Kong punished.

Sun Wenguang, a retired professor at Shandong University:
“I think this is quite normal.
Most students still expect society to be more civilized,
especially teachers.
When a person curses in public, it certainly won』t
help promote civility in society or do anything to improve society』s morals.”

Professor Sun expressed his appreciation
for the Peking University』s student』s responses.

Professor Sun Wenguang: “In the past, students were often
indifferent to school authority』s unethical actions involving management or teachers.
They only cared about their studies.

But now, they are aware of their rights
and are putting them into practice. So their actions have lent support to the situation.”

The campaign initiated by Peking University students has also
gained supports from netizens.
A survey on Club.kdnet.net shows that 367 netizens supported
the decision to dismiss Kong, with only 71 objecting.

However, to date, the Peking University authorities
have not yet responded to the letter.
A Peking University teacher told NTD TV
that regarding the issue of Kong, it would be inappropriate for them to be interviewed.

Professor Sun Wenguang: “I believe the University authorities
may retain Kong』s teaching position.
They』ll simply make him recognize his mistake, at most,
and the matter will be forgotten.
If a teacher isn』t against the authorities, or has no
anti-CCP behaviors, the authorities will usually take a protective attitude toward him or her."

In Kong Qingdong』s blog, he claimed to be a native of
Shandong, a 73rd generation descendant of the great Chinese thinker and philosopher, Confucius.
Kong is member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

During the Cultural Revolution, Confucius was wantonly
criticized by the CCP authorities.
The Confucius Temple was ruined and descendants of
Confucius were persecuted.
However, professing to be Confucius descendant,
Kong Qingdong was often lavishly praised, via media,
regarding the Cultural Revolution, the Red Guards,
Mao Zedong, and Kim Jong-il.
Kong is regarded as a leader of the China』s Left forces.

Moreover, Kong often abuses democratic activists,
swearing at dare-to-speak Nangfang Daily Press as
a “traitorous media.” What he abused was the reporter
from the Nanfang People Weekly.

After Moammar Gadhafi』s regime collapsed in Libya,
Kong openly praised him on TV declaring, “Gaddafi is a hero,"
and accusing the West of “having no humanity.”

A media professional, Li Huizhi, said in his blog that
the reason behind Kong』s uncontrollable abuse of democratic and universal values
and his labeling the Nangfang Daily Press as a “traitor,"
is the fact that Kong is very vulgar and very pragmatic.
Now, he goes along with the CCP』s “theme,”
just like a fish in water.
But once he is in a democratic society,
his words and actions will also be protected by law.
He can then turns around and criticize the CCP authorities.

Li』s article concluded that Kong is absolutely not “stupid."
He is only after financial gain.

The Peking University student letter mentioned that in 2009,
Kong』s assistant, Yang Chun, stabbed a Beijing News editor,
Xu Lai, with a knife, simply because Xu wrote an article
criticizing Kong.
Yang Chun was jailed for four and a half years.

Peking University students urged the school board to
punish Kong in order to prevent more serious accidents from occurring.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Qian and Xiao Yan
