【禁聞】「北京精神」遭調侃 民眾反調大創作








而網民心目中的「北京精神」是甚麼呢? 他們認為「烤鴨、豆汁、焦圈、鹵煮」;「堵車,官多,沙塵,嘴貧」;以及「搖號買車,交通管制,霧都桑拿,食品特供」等才真正代表北京人的精神面貌。與當局公布的差距甚遠。








The So-called 『Beijing Spirit』

Chinese Communist Party Beijing authorities have coined
four words to represent the so-called “Beijing Spirit."
Although officials have not made any efforts to promote it,
the public is still laughing at it.
People believe that this is just another form of
CCP brainwashing.
Netizens are having a heated discussion about “Spiritual Body"
and its meaning.

The CCP』s meaning of the so-called “Beijing Spirit" refers to
the words: “Patriotic, Innovative, Tolerance, and Virtue."
The CCP says these words represent contemporary Beijing,
that is, they contain the unique character and spirit of Beijing.

Former chief editor of the Beijing People magazine,
Huang Liangtian, believes that the so-called “Beijing Spirit"
is actually a slogan that represents the core value of the CCP,
which is to denigrate and ultimately destroy the Chinese culture.

Huang Tianliang: “Although I am a Beijing citizen,
I never considered the term, “Beijing Spirit," as real.
The CCP talks about “tolerance,"
but it is only tolerant of itself.
Does the CCP really have tolerance?
They don』t; and as such, they are ruining the Chinese culture."

Beijing citizen, Mr. Zhao questioned the fact
that high-ranking officials are sending their family members abroad.
Can you say they are “patriotic"?

In addition, the authorities suppress people』s right
to think for themselves, so is their slogan “innovative"?
Furthermore, the authorities persecute dissidents and
petitioners, so they don』t show “tolerance and virtue" at all.

Zhao believes that the CCP is constantly using
brainwashing methods to control the society. He feels this is just another show.

Zhao: “It follows the methods they often use;
it is propaganda tool.
It is being employed to brainwash the public.
In addition, from my point of view, it is just another show."

What do netizens think of when theory hear the term,
“Beijing Spirit"?

traffic jams, more officials, sandstorms, being talkative,
and lucky draws for a car, traffic control, saunas,
special food supplements, and so on.
To netizens, this truly represents the “Beijing Spirit."
Their understandings are a far cry from the CCP』s meaning.

Caixin.cn published an article written by Ren Zhongyuan,
saying that this embarrassing show by the CCP
shows everyone how far removed the CCP truly is from
the public』s true feeling.

Ren says that Beijing has 7 to 8 million workers
that came to the city and looking for jobs.
They live a difficult life and are often driven away.
How can you describe this as having “tolerance"?

According to the report, the words “Patriotic, Innovative,
Tolerance, and Virtue" are the result of 18 months』 worth of surveys taken by 300 million civilians.
The report was released by the Beijing Municipality.

In an article on the Economic Observer Online, author Yu Ge
said that the so-called “Beijing Spirit” is the kidnapping people』s time and people』s mind.
The worse thing about the so-called “Beijing Spirit,"
is that it doesn』t contain an ounce of truth. It is an insult to 300 million people.

However, the so-called “Beijing Spirit" caused a big stir
among netizens.
Posts on a forum called “Spiritual Body" have increased
to over 120,000.

Some netizens interpreted “Beijing Spirit,"as follows:
“Tian Jin Spirit: Pancakes, Fruit, Extra, and Parsley;"
“Jinan Spirit: Ming, Lake, and Lotus;"
“City Spirit: Restriction, Pollution, High Prices, and Crowded;";
“Stock Spirit: Buying, Down, Stuck, and Flesh;"
“Microblog Spirit: Publish, Repost, Comments, and Delete;"
“Leader Spirit: Eat, Drink, Visit Prostitute, and Gambling,"
and so on.

NTD reporters Li Yun and Zhou Tian.
