【禁聞】南海軍事衝突 各國備戰

















Sudden outbreak of military conflict over South China Sea?

A renewal of the tense situation recently escalated in the South China Sea region.
Territorial disputes between neighboring countries
still continue to develop. Will the region see a sudden outbreak of military conflict? This question once again became a focus of attention in China and overseas. Recent military exercises were undertaken in China,
with preventative exercises in Japan. There are concerns about a possible sudden outbreak of
military conflict in the South China Sea.

Within China, voices are growing that favor a war to settle
this dispute over the South China Sea. Is there any change with the foreign policy of Chinse Communist Party (CCP) authorities? This question has become a focus of attention at home and abroad.

Global Times under People’s Daily, a CCP propaganda
media, published an editorial claiming the current maritime territorial disputes have created troubles that kept consuming the domestic political unity in China.
The editorial claimed that China cannot only negotiate,
but should “kill one to warn one hundred", when necessary.

Commentator Wen Zhao said that the CCP’s current priority
is ensuring a smooth power transfer at its 18th Congress. Now is a critical moment with the CCP seeking stability
and fearing change.

Wen Zhao: “The mentality of the CCP top-level does not want too much change to happen at the moment when it makes a transfer of power. Or else, its power transfer process will be more difficult,
unpredictable and more risky, which is not the CCP’s hope. “

On November 6, Japan Coast Guard arrested Zhang Tianxiong, a Chinese fishing boat captain. Nagasaki District Public Prosecutors Office took a
judicial proceedings against Zhang, who was charged with
violating Japan’s Fishery Law (to avoid on-board searches) Nagasaki summary court ordered Zhang to pay a 300,000 yen fine.
On November 9, after making payment,
Zhang left Japan, accompanied by a Japanese patrol boat.

Wen Zhao commented that there has been little friction
over the South China Sea in the past.
But now, some small surrounding countries do not want
to take the initiative to provoke the Mainland China.

Wen Zhao: “The dominant power in the South China Sea conflict is the CCP authorities.
If it retains the status quo, in other words,
for those territories currently occupied by other countries, if it retains this status quo, the conflict won’t escalate. “

Recently, CCP’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) conducted a series of military exercises.
On November 10, a rare large-scale military exercises were
held in the Guangzhou Military Region, covering five provinces in the Middle-South China. Although the military authorities did not explain their intention, the exercise’s content,
location and timing easily enabled observers to associate
them with the situation that the CCP is facing in the South China Sea.

Aside from this, CCP’s Artillery Corps also had recent activity. Artillery Command College and
PLA Artillery College were merged to set up Nanjing Artillery
College, which is at the level of deputy corps. This year, the CCP initiated preferential policies to attract
university students to join the army, and eased the requirements of army’s new recruits.

Wen Zhao: “So far, its military power is not strong enough
to cope with a very serious political consequence.
That is to say, it has no problem to win the war,
but the aftermath will be a serious political consequence,
which will bring a great change to the security environment around China. “

Regarding sovereignty disputes over the South China Sea, a series of actions conducted by the CCP has caused concerns from the international community and
neighboring countries. Radio France Internationale commented that if the surrounding nations do not inhibit the friction over the South China Sea,
some territorial waters with frequent disputes
will suddenly break out in military conflict, sooner or later.

According to Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun reporters, in order to avoid CCP’s swooping,
Japan scheduled to hold a large-scale military exercises
from November 10. For the first time, the most elite No.7 Division of
Japan Maritime Self Defense Force and
the most advanced Type 90 tanks were deployed from
Hokkaido, to join the military exercises at island of Kyushu.
Japanese media said that in the 2010 amendment of Japan’s National Defense Program Outline,
the CCP was specifically set as
“the biggest imaginary enemy".

Meanwhile, on November 12, joint military exercises
between Japan and South Korea will be held in the Tsushima Strait. About 1,000 soldiers are expected to attend. In the same way, the CCP was targeted as the imaginary enemy. On November 16, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission will suggest that U.S. Congress enact legislation
and will call on the executive branch to accept Taiwan’s
procurement of F-16C / D fighters.

2011 East Asia Summit is reported to be being held
on November 19 in Indonesia.
The U.S. and Russia will attend the meeting as members for the first time. The Summit is expected to cover the topic of
sovereignty disputes over the South China Sea.

NTD reporters Li Jing, Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu
