【禁聞】政治輔導員站崗 教授參選路有多遠














大學的政治輔導員制度在50年代就已開始,孫文廣說,在反右運動中,這些輔導員是第一手材料的製造者,他們把學生的言論和大字報收集起來交給黨委,來決定誰是右派。他上大學時, 兩個同學就被輔導員整為右派。


Professor’s Election vs. Political Counselors

Professor Qiao Mu from Beijing Foreign Studies University,
recently announced he will run for deputies election
as an individual, and more than 100 students volunteered
for his campaign.
School political counselors have many aspirations for benefits,
and hope Qiao would speak for them, so they support him secretly.
But at key moments, they still put pressure on students,
and blocked their support for Qiao.

As a communication and political scholar, Qiao has a lot
of dissatisfaction with the Chinese system.
However, the purpose of People’s Congress in his election
district focuses on livelihood issues, so he won many votes,
including the school political counselor’s support.
As a professor, students are his main source of votes.
But when Qiao organized his election campaign, counselors
called students and asked them to not get involved.

Prof. Sun Wenguang, a retired professor from Shandong
University, planned to participate as an independent candidate
in elections four years ago, but was also stopped because of
the counselor’s intervention.

Sun Wenguang: “The institute held meetings, such as
party members meetings, students meetings,
asking students to not listen to Sun’s speech,
or accept flyers, or vote for him.
If anyone votes for Sun, they would investigate and
analyze handwritings.
If they find them, they ask them not to vote for Sun.
These kinds of problems were that caused trouble.”

According to domestic media, political counselors
in colleges set up personal accounts on renren, microblogs,
and other social networks, as to ‘communicate’
with students more effectively.
Sun believes their goal is to monitor the students.

Sun Wenguang: “Now (they) use blogs, to see if students have
bad thoughts about them,
and would not cooperate according
to the requirements for reporting on others.
(They) try to get closer to students in order to
monitor their activities.”

Sun believes that monitoring students is because the
Communist Party (CCP) fears student unrest the most.

Sun Wenguang: “The CCP’s path was to mobilize students,
workers and peasants to seize power.
They (CCP) are familiar with this path,
so they want to block this road."

He told reporters that the method used by CCP to control
students is to set up political counselors in schools.

Sun Wenguang: “The political counselor’s work is basically
to indoctrinate students with the communist ideology,
and to monitor students’ behavior. Especially when some
said words against CCP, they would immediately intervene.”

Sun Wenguang: “The students think, he (counselor) will go
to report on him and when the student graduates, the reports would be summarized into his file.
This affects students much in their job search or
government positions.”

Dr. Sun said the counselor system should be abolished,
as it monitors and suppresses students’ thinking, and affects China’s future.

Sun Wenguang: “Why nobody has won a Nobel Prize
for innovation in China? It has been 60 years now.
In that case, they lack theoretical innovation and
the ability to practice.
Political counselor at the university is detrimental
to the students’ training and growth, and this system should be abolished."

University political counselors’ system began in the 1950s.
Sun also said that during the anti-rightist movement,

these counselors were the first-hand informers of the CCP,
who have collected opinions and writings from students
and handed them to the CCP, which would then decide
who was rightist and how to be punished.
In Dr. Sun’s experience, during his college years
two students were named by the counselors as rightists.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Xiao Yu
