


不過,《人民日報》「九一八社論:勿忘國恥 共襄復興」中寫道,中國共產黨「號召全民族團結起來抗日救國,反對不抵抗政策。」,企圖定調「抗日戰爭」是由共產黨領導。

復旦大學歷史系教授錢文忠18號在網上指出:「中國抗戰始於 80年前今天,抗戰 14年而非8年;中國抗戰正面戰場,絕對主力是當時國民政府軍隊!」







中共當局高調紀念 9.18,甚至,有網友發現:「前兩天《央視》播《小小飛虎隊》,三個十歲小孩,能把日本兵耍死,比新聞聯播還假!」





新唐人記者常春、周平、張健採訪報導 。

Who Led “The War of Resistance Against Japan"?

The “9.18 Incident" refers to the Japanese military invasion
of China 80 years ago. Who actually fought in this war?
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is trying
to take the credit for “The War of Resistance Against Japan".
Scholars believe that “patriotism" and “nationalism" have
been part of CCP』s ideology propaganda since June 4th.
Lies and violence are two major means in despotic regimes.
Is it impossible for CCP to give them up?

Over the past years, CCP spread the propaganda that KMT
(Kuomintang) was not anti-Japanese during this war.
Until recent years, CCP did not change its propaganda line
on “The War of Resistance Against Japan."

However, the report “Editorial of September 18: Do not forget
national humiliation, to cooperate with the grand revival"
published by People’s Daily, states that CCP “called on all
the nations to unite and resist Japan, and save the country, opposing the policy of not resisting Japan.”
With that CCP attempts to set the tone that
“The War of Resistance Against Japan" was led by CCP.

Professor Qian Wenzhong, from the Department of History
at Fudan University, wrote online on September 18th,
that “China』s resistance against Japan began on that day
80 years ago. It had lasted 14 years, not 8 years.
Chinese absolute main force on the front line against the
Japanese at that time was the KMT government』s military.”

On September 18th, 80 years ago, Japanese military forces
launched the war against China.
They used the excuse that Chinese military bombed a
section of the South Manchuria Railway, built by Japan.
Japan occupied Shengyang and embarked the path of full
invasion of China, known in history as the “9.18 Incident."

Qian Wenzhong said that according to the historical records,
during the 14 years of resistance against Japan,
KMT』s military undertook large battles 22 times
and important battles 1,127 times.
In this war they lost 206 generals,
eight of which were high level military generals.

Wu Renhua, a historian, said that since CCP took power
in 1949, among the historical truth CCP tries to hide,
“The War of Resistance Against Japan” has the strictest
restrictions, that scholars try to break through at present.

Wu Renhua: “In the historical facts during the war
of China』s resistance against Japan,
Chinese authorities are just covering up the truth.
And these truths have been hidden for many years.
The main role in “The War of Resistance Against Japan”
was not the CCP』s leadership of the Eighth Route Army
and the New Fourth Army, but the KMT』s leadership
of the National Revolutionary Army.
Thus the history from CCP』s perspective started after the
Xi’an Incident in 1937, with the Eighth Route Army formed."

On September 18, various activities were held across China.

Three Northeast Provinces, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang,
held together a ceremony of sounding bells and sirens.
Meanwhile, there were more than 100 cities with air sirens
sounded at that moment.
According to reports, these activities were
the largest in history, marking the 9.18 Incident.

Wu Renhua: “Thus September 18th each year is a chance
for CCP to propagate its patriotism and nationalism.
During this time CCP authorities hold many official activities
for commemoration. It has a main political agenda in this."

With the high-profile of 9.18 commemoration by the CCP,
some netizens even mentioned of “The Little Flying Tigers”
broadcast by CCTV two days ago, where three 10-year-old
children defeat Japanese soldiers,
which was more fake than CCTV』s News themselves,
wrote the netizents.

Wu Renhua: “They have taken the film and TV works
as promotional means to spread their products recently.
I think it doesn』t deserve much attention and comments.

Based on the statistics of the film and TV works
about the anti-Japanese war made by CCP,
the total number of Japanese soldiers killed is several times
higher than the number of Japanese troops entering China."

However, the truth can be only one.
Why does the CCP turn a brutal war into a game?

Wu Renhua: “Because authoritarian regimes use 2 means
only. One is to cheat, so they are depending on lies.
The other is the use of fear, creating the fear with violence,
namely, using means like jails to create such fear."

Although the CCP made a high-profile memorial for the 9.18,
the Diaoyu Islands』 civil groups were blocked,
and even were threatened by the police while they were
on their way to Shengyang for the memorial activities.
Many netizens show great dissatisfaction from authorities
for obstructing the commemoration from civil organizations.

NTD reporters Changchun, Zhou Ping and Zhang Jian
