【禁聞】台灣新唐人遭噤聲 美國議員關注

【新唐人2011年5月6日訊】《新唐人亞太臺》與台灣「中華電信」公司的衛星租約,遭到「中華電信」片面終止續約,事件引發美國國會資深眾議員戴納.羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)的高度關切。與此同時,《新唐人亞太臺》也向台灣的主管機關NCC陳情,希望台灣政府維護中華民國憲法所保障的「言論及新聞自由」。






吳政翰 (中華民國「自由通訊傳播協會」秘書長):「中華電信對於新唐人可能發生的差別待遇,我們是希望政府也能出面介入,希望中華電信秉持公正客觀的態度,對新唐人的續約予以合理的評斷」


新唐人亞太電視臺 發言人 朱婉琪:「台灣政府,應該要強烈去要求,它所實質控制的中華電信,要符合台灣的民主法治的標準,來對待台灣敢於維護新聞自由、不跟商業利益妥協的新唐人亞太臺」




Blockage of Taiwan’s NTDTV Broadcasts

New Tang Dynasty Asia Pacific Television (NTD AP)
leases a satellite from Taiwan’s Chunghwa Telecom.
Chunghwa’s refusal to renew the contract concerns
senior U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.
NTD AP has also filed an appeal with Taiwan’s NCC
(National Communications Commission), hoping that
the Taiwanese government will help safeguard citizens’
constitutional rights of speech and press freedom.

On May 3, World Press Freedom Day,
Rohrabacher wrote to Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou,
questioning him about the incident’s “underlying motives."
Rohrabacher warned Ma, saying that if Taiwan doesn’t
support China’s fight for freedom of thought, he believed
that U.S. support for Taiwan will become unnecessary.

Taiwan’s leading telecom company, Chunghwa’s
subsidiary, CHT-International, told NTD AP in mid-April,
that after the satellite contract expired in Aug 2011, it
would not be renewed, due to the “insufficient
capabilities” of the new ST-2 satellite.

NTD AP spokeswoman Attorney Theresa Chu said,
NTD AP has been leasing the ST-1 satellite for over
4 yrs, broadcasting to 1/3 of Taiwan’s cable TV viewers.
As a result, the Chinese authorities (CCP) see
NTD AP as a thorn in their side.

Chu questioned Chunghwa’s claim that its ST-2
satellite is more capable than its predecessor, the ST-1,
having a wider coverage area and more powerful
transmission power. This claim contradicts Chunghwa’s
reasons to refuse to renew its contract with NTD AP.

Taiwan’ National Communications Commission (NCC)
received NTD AP’s appeal on May 3.
NCC Operations officials said that as per the Telecom
Act, Chunghwa, as a leading firm in the telecom industry,
cannot give “preferential treatment" to its clients, meaning,
it cannot arbitrarily select its customers.

Wu Cheng-Han, Secretary-General of Taiwan’s
Free Communication Association:
Satellite services are very important for a TV station.
Without it, audiences would be significantly affected.
I hope Chunghwa will adopt a fair, reasonable, and
objective attitude towards renewing NTD’s contract.

In June 2008, European telecom company Eutelsat,
stopped renting a satellite transponder to NTD.
Shortly before the CCP’s state celebration in Oct 2009,
NTD AP was being blocked for long periods of time.
This attracted the attention of many international orgs.

NTD AP spokeswoman Theresa Chu: We believe that
the Taiwanese government should strongly request
that Chunghwa—which it controls—respect and value
Taiwan’s democracy and rule of law, and make the
right decision to renew the contract.

On April 29, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou,
told German Der Spiegel magazine the reason Taiwan
needs to develop good relations with the CCP. Ma said
he would use Taiwan’s freedom, democracy, human
rights, and the rule of law to influence the CCP.

Free Communication Association’s chair, Wu Huilin,
commented that the Taiwan government’s protection
of the voice of independent media is the protection of
the constitutional values of speech and freedom of press.
If any business/individual prevents independent media
from having a voice, contrary to universal values, the
government should intervene from the perspective
of guarantying constitutional rights, and ensuring that
the media continues to report the truth.

NTD reporters Li Ting and Xue Li
