【禁聞】中對非金援 是利益還是友誼?





《美國之音》報導,聯合國非洲經濟委員會埃塞俄比亞顧問加莫拉(Gedion Gamora)提出,中國援建工程項目經常技術轉讓含量不足,而且透明度低。他認為,這可能導致腐敗,而腐敗在非洲是個大問題。”









CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) State Council
published a white book on China’s foreign aid,
showing that in the past 60 years
China provided RMB256 billion in foreign aid.
Half of China aid went to Africa.
Overall, most went to developing countries.

The white book stresses that China’s aid
has no political conditions, but respects equality.

China’s investment in Africa in infrastructure
and energy has led to criticisms, however.

In a VOA report, Gedion Gamora,
Ethiopia advisor at the United Nations,
said China’s projects do not offer sufficient
technology transfer and lack transparency.
This may encourage corruption,
a problem that is already serious in Africa.

Ghana was among the first African countries
to have diplomatic relations with China.
This April, China offered USD1.8 billiion loan
to Ghana. Some Ghanaian senators
question the loan plan and its transparency.

Ghanaian media said the loan is for road building,
but it will tie up Ghana’s oil revenue for 15 years.
The loan requires
Ghana’s National Petroleum Corporation
to surrender its concession rights,
to provide survey maps, seismic data
and other sensitive information
on oil development and production.
A senator said this is like giving up sovereignty.

Some African groups said China’s investment
in raw resources keeps Africa at the bottom
of economic chain, deterring its capacity raising
for value-added products.
Resources control is a new form of colonization.

Fu Ziying, Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce,
said China’s investment in Africa is not limited
to resource, and China is not grabbing resources.

Investigations show most of China investments
in Africa to be in natural recourses.
Africa Development bank shows that
70% of African export to Asia is petroleum,
mostly from Angola and Sudan.
Mineral resources account for 15%.

The Times reports on a new research, predicting
China’s investment in Africa will increase rapidly,
reaching USD400 billion in five years.

A Reuters article said China has been aiding
countries with poor human rights records,
such as Myanmar, Sudan, Iran, and North Korea.
This makes it difficult for global communities
to sanction these countries.

NTD reporters Li Ting and Zhu Di
