【禁聞】罷工司機返崗 “高通膨”猶在





《金融時報》副主編湯姆•米切爾(Tom Mitchell)認為,港口費用和燃料成本的不斷上漲侵蝕了上海貨車司機們的謀生能力,罷工的行動,明確表現出他們對通脹正在失去耐心。米切爾推斷,通脹可能(也將會)繼續引發抗議和社會動盪。

而 “中國勞工觀察”組織的執行主任對《美國之音》表示:“現在是2011年的物價飛漲,再加上中國現在對持不同意見者、異見人士採用高壓的方式,當然它的目地是想為新一代中國共產黨的領導人進行過渡,但是採取的這種方式,實際上是把一些問題積纍到以後,而且是積纍到更嚴重,不去解決。在這個基礎上,我認為它的這種罷工事件會超過去年,甚至比以往每年都要多。”








Shanghai Drivers Strike – A Warning

Three days after the Shanghai truck drivers’s strike,
the Chinese authorities corrected their behavior
of arbitrary charges and price hikes.
Drivers went back to work on April 25.
Analysts believe that this incident is a reflection
of civil unrest and weakening of the government.

Thousands of Shanghai truck drivers went on strike
on April 20 to protest against high oil prices
and port fees. On April 22, Shanghai Municipal
Transport and Port Authority corrected arbitrary
charges and price increase, announcing cancellation
or decrease in a number of charges. On April 25,
truck drivers ended the strike and returned to work.

But according to VOA, when Shanghai truck drivers
went on strike, authorities immediately mobilized
large numbers of riot police and blocked media
from reporting the event.

According to UKs Financial Times, the strike
and clashes with security departments indicate
political instability due to high oil prices in China.

Financial Times vice Editor-in-Chief Tom Mitchell
thinks rising port charges and fuel costs
hurt the livelihood of Shanghai truck drivers.
The strike shows people are running out of patience
on inflation. Mitchell concludes inflation is likely
to continue causing protests and social unrests.

Executive director of China Labor Watch told VOA:
“Sharp price increase in 2011 is coupled
with China’s high pressure toward dissidents,
which was meant to help with transitioning
to the new generation of leadership.
These actions do not help with resolving issues,
but push issues to a later time,
and make them more serious. I think this kind
of strikes will happen more often than ever before."

Meanwhile, international media believe the situation
faced by the Chinese authorities is not optimistic.
U.S. World News editorial pointed out on April 24,
that the Chinese authorities are in two battlefields:
a battle against inflation in the economic field;
and a political battle to “defend the regime."

According to 1st quarter data released by China’s
Statistics Bureau, March consumer price index (CPI)
rose 5.4%, the highest in the last 32 months,
with 9.7% increase only in the Q1.
The Chinese authorities have to carry out a war
to curb the inflation.

According to the editorial article on World News:
“A serious inflation also happened in China
before the Student movement in 1989. This concerns
the authorities a lot. Administrative methods cannot
suppress inflation, stabilize economy, re-organize
the structure and expand internal demand
at the same time.”

At the political level, Chinese authorities utilize
full-fledged dictating machine to respond to any
challenge at early stage. For example, the early stage
Chinese Jasmine Revolution was labeled as
“joint effort of foreign powers and domestic
political dissidents,” and is treated with the highest
alert, high-profile and multiple suppressions.
The chairman of the NPC announced not to allow
multi-party alternation of power. Meanwhile,
arrests of independent and dissident artists, writers,
human rights lawyers and others are going on.
The Chinese authorities have also further tightened
control on religious groups and media.

The editorial also pointed out that the authorities
appear to be very nervous due to the wealth gap,
social disorder and other problems. The social conflicts
in China have reached to the point of explosion.
Corrupt officials also contribute
to the overall weakening of CCP’s political power.

Scholars agree that Chinese regime is “weakening."
China specialist MacFarquhar said during the
June 4th Symposium set up by Harvard students,
“That regime is fragile; why things happening
far away in Tunisia make them so nervous,
and arrest people such as Ai Weiwei.”

NTD reporters Song Feng and XiaoYu
