【禁聞】維穩至上 辛亥革命主題辯論成禁忌






中國網絡社區論壇上,有人對取消辯論表示不解和“鬱悶”。 在《天涯論壇》上,有人寫道:“現在維穩維得連辯論賽都取消,簡直瘋了。”








The 1911 Revolution Becomes a Taboo in China

This year is the 100th anniversary of 1911 Revolution.
Beijing Institute of Technology was to sponsor a debate
on the Revolution, but the authorities called for a stop.
Since the debate involved “revolution" and the authorities
are now very sensitive, it naturally became restricted.

This year is the 100th anniversary of the Revolution,
the Chinese authorities organized a number of activities
on the Revolution, including films, TV shows, exhibitions,
photography exhibition, art exhibitions and so on.

Although the authorities made quite a campaign,
the debate on the Revolution between Beijing and
Tianjin college students was, however, stopped by
the Beijing Communist Youth League Committee.
The theme of the debate was “3 People’s Principles."
Sixteen universities were to participate, including
Peking University, Renmin University, Tianjin Univ.
Sponsors include the Chinese Youth Daily, Sohu,
Netease and other media.

Professor Zhang Ming, served as a judge for the debate
from Remin University of China told NY Times,
the Government “worries about any sensitive topics."
“Debate organizers said they were trying to negotiate,
but the City Communist Youth League
would not change its decision. “

Hu Xingdou, economics professor at Beijing Institute
of Technology said, “Commemorating 1911 Revolution
has long been decided by the Chinese government.
About 2 years ago, the Chinese government already
decided to solemnly commemorate the Revolution. “

At the China’s online community forum, people felt
hard to understand the cancellation and felt “depressed."
In the “Tianya Forum “, one person wrote:
“Now to maintain the government’s stability,
even the debate is canceled, it is simply crazy. “

The VOA Commented: This seems to indicate that
in the eyes of Beijing Communist Youth League and
other high officials, anything relating to “revolution"
is what the Chinese authorities to commemorate.
Yet, when “Revolution” combined with “students,"
“assembly," “debate," and “Three People’s Principles",
it becomes a destabilizing factor.
In China, colleges are not run by professors,
but by the Communist Party and party officials.

Xie Xuanjun, a Chinese scholar living in America, said,
“The Communist Party is in fact denying the Revolution,
but does not want to verbally deny it. It still claims itself
the successor of the Revolution, but the revolutionary
nature of the two are completely opposite.
Commemorating the Revolution indeed helps awaken
people’s revolutionary awareness. “

Professor Hu hopes the commemoration activities
of the Revolution can continue, and the ideal of
“Three People’s Principles" can be realized in China.

Professor Hu: “The dignity of a nation, in fact,
mainly relies on the people’s livelihood and civil rights.
If you do not advocate civil rights, not improve people’s
livelihood, the country does not have dignity.
So implementing civil rights and people’s livelihood
in China is what we need to work most. “

Mainland internet user Mr. Wu thinks that
now at such a sensitive time and tension,
any topics relating to “revolution or democracy"
will touch the sensitive nerve of the authorities.
He said: “They get mad at hearing 『Revolution』."

NTDTV reporters Song Feng and Li Ruolin
