【看新聞學英語】 2009 台北端午節

2009 Taipei Dragon Boat Festival

Daniel Chen

1. fire brigade ph. 消防隊
2. unbeatable adj. 無以倫比的
3. University Division n.大學組
4. let the spectators down 讓觀眾失望
5. overjoyed adj. 極度高興的

Months of preparation and hard training all come down to today — Taipei International Dragon Boat Championship. Whether it’s a local fire brigade team or Taipei City Hall team lead by the Mayor Hau Lung-pin; or even winners from Japan, South Africa, Holland, Malaysia and the Philippines, there are estimated 200 teams all together, with 12 teams from overseas, that join the competition today.
經過好幾個月的艱苦訓練和準備就為了今天- 台北國際龍舟賽。總共有估計兩百個隊伍參加。其中包括本地消防隊、由市長郝龍斌率領的台北市政府團隊,甚至包括來自日本、南非、荷蘭、馬來西亞和菲律賓的冠軍隊伍,共有十二個來自海外的團隊,參加今天的競賽。

One of the unbeatable teams in the University Division is the Shi-da team, or better known as the NTNU Mandarin Training Centre Team, let’s see what they have to offer.

[Denial Hustler, NTNU Competitor]:
“Ni-hao, my name is Denial Hustler, I’m racing for the Shi-da. Xie-xie!”

[Amy van Reeuwyk, NTNU Competitor]:
“We’re going on the boat now, this is my team, my name is Amy. This is my first year here in Taipei attending the dragon boat races. I attended two years in Xin-zhu. Got to go, peace now!”

This team did not let the spectators down, they reach the flag pole first and win the race in the mixed student’s division and everybody is overjoyed.

6. to kick some butt: 打贏一些
7. participate in: v.phr. 參加
8. sheer adj. 全然的; 十足的
9. crowds n. 群眾
10. real buzz: n. 真熱鬧
11. come along ph. 一起來

[Amy van Reeuwyk, NTNU Competitor]:
“Hi, we’re from Shi-da Mandarin Training Centre, this is my team and we just won the race and we’re very happy about that, and we’ll be back tomorrow to kick some butt.

Not only the students participated in this event, there are also teachers from the Taiwan European School.

[David Devey, Teacher of TES]:
“This is really fun, you get people [from] all over Taipei coming here, like our school takes part. Rolling is a killer, really hard work, three minutes of sheer pain, I would say. As a whole it’s really fun, everybody and all the crowds cheering, it was great.”


[Jennie Leyfield, Teacher of TES]:
“It’s fantastic, there is really, really good atmosphere everywhere, there is a real buzz about everywhere, it’s really nice, we really enjoyed it! Everyone is really, really friendly, and if you come along and try to speak a bit of Chinese, there is so much to discover, yeah, we really love Taipei and we encourage our friends to come here.”
「真是太棒了,每個地方的氣氛都很好,到處都很熱鬧,真好,我們好喜歡﹗ 每個人真的,真的很友好,如果你要努力講幾句漢語,就會有許多新發現,是的,我們真的喜歡台北,我們鼓勵我們的朋友來這裡。」


