【看新聞學英語 】中國孤獨的孩子


China’s Lonely Children

Daniel Chen, David Lee

1. autism n. 自閉症
2. misfit n. 不適應環境的人
3. playground n. 遊樂場
4. stool n. 凳子
5. breakthrough n. 突破
6. syndrome n. 綜合症狀
7. cope v. 妥善處理
8. thin adj. 薄弱的
9. desperate adj. 絕望的

Autism affects roughly 67 million people worldwide. But in China, families living with autistic children receive almost no help from the communist regime, and parents struggle to care for their children-children who are seen as social misfits.

A playground race around an old stool might look simple, but for these parents, it’s a major breakthrough.

“Stars and Rain" was the first school in China to help children with “lonely syndrome," what the Chinese call autism.
「星和雨」是中國第一個致力於幫助 “自閉症候群” 孩子的學校,也就是中國人所稱的自閉症。

The school teaches children simple tasks as well as teaches parents ways to cope.

Autism is still relatively unknown here, and the country’s thin welfare system offers little help.

Friends and neighbors often don’t understand, so the parents are desperate, says school founder Tian Huiping.

1. disabled adj. 殘廢的; 有缺陷的
2. firstborn n. 長子; 長女
3. treatment n. 治療
4. vast adj. 巨大的
5. prominence n. 凸出; 顯著

[Tian Huiping, Founder of Stars and Rain]:
“If I have a son and the son marries a wife, then he and his wife will support us when we are older and, if for a family the child is disabled, then the future is very dark."

China’s one-child policy allows parents of disabled children to try for another, but many, like Gao Shufeng’s daughter, choose not to and focus on their firstborn.

[Gao Shufeng, Grandmother of Autistic Child]:
“There is no way through it, sometimes they urge the mother to give up the child and try for another. But his mother won’t do it, she won’t give up. She says that if there is advanced treatment in foreign countries then there must be a way here."

Data suggests over 2 million people of China’s vast population of 1.3 billion may have autism, meaning the issue will likely grow in prominence in coming years.


1. President Ma plans to attend El Salvador presidential inauguration
2. Indians start voting in month-long elections
3. Taiwan’s credit rating cut to negative
4. Corporate law amendment to lower threshold for firms.
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1. inauguration: n. 就職
2. credit rating: n. 信用評等
3. law amendment: n. 修正案
4. threshold: n. 門檻
5. laureate: n. 桂冠
6. endorse: v. 簽署、背書

How might I handle this better?

You pay your money, and you take your chances.
