【禁闻】香港局势胶着 学联愿与港府对话

【新唐人2014年10月17日讯】香港局势胶着 学联愿与港府对话

















HK Leung Ready to do the Dirty Work for Beijing but Students Hold Fast

Oct. 16 is the 19th day since the Occupy Central movement
started in Hong Kong.
The situation is still deadlocked, as protesters hold fast
to three occupy areas against police.

Leung Chun-ying, the chief executive of Hong Kong, told
media in the afternoon that:
the HK government was getting in touch with the Hong Kong
Federations of Students (HKFS) through intermediates, aimed at
restarting a conversation.

However, Leung still said that the HKFS should not stick to
demanding that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) NPC
to abandon its reform plan.

Leung also claimed that any conversation would not stop police
from clearing up occupy areas.

HKFS secretary-general Chow Yong-kang responded
in the evening.
Chow said Leung still supported police to do the dirty work
regardless of any conversation, and further asked HKFS to
give up what it has been seeking.

This showed that the HK government indeed would not allow
any different opinions and thus were not serious of making
any real conversation.

Despite that, Chow said HKFS would still be in the conversation
to let them know how eager HK people are for universal suffrage.

HK Society Sees Serious Split: A Strategy of the CCP?

The CCP’s false suffrage plan has created a split among
Hong Kong society.
Within Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), journalists
disagreed with their bosses in reports about police
violence against protesters.

Hundreds have jointly signed a protest against misleading
reports by the TV station.
On facebook, many have massively “unfriended” others
for similar reasons.

Even HK actors and directors are involved as they disagree
with each other on views about Occupy Central.
On Oct.16, HK director Wong Jing said on weibo that:
he would delete the contact information of Anthony Wong,
Chapman To, and Denise Ho, who are all actors,
as they have completely different political views.

Some time ago, Chapman To already wrote on facebook
that: “From today, anyone supporting anti-Occupy Central
will no longer be my friend no matter what the reasoning is”.

Radio Free Asia quoted Bruce Lui, a guest lecturer of HK
Baptist University, who believes that all those social conflicts
in Hong Kong result from the CCP’s false suffrage plan.
Lui said that the CCP tried to force HKers to accept a bad plan.

Then Beijing showed no positive response when Hong Kong
protested against the plan, which greatly intensify social conflicts.
To incite conflicts between social groups can be the CCP’s
strategy to defeat the Occupy Central movement.

Reuters: Zhou Yongkang will be Expelled from the Party
During the Fourth Plenary Session

The Fourth Plenary Session of the CCP’s Central Committee
will be held in Beijing starting on Oct. 20.
Sources said that the session will expel Zhou Yongkang from
the party, as a necessary step to bring a lawsuit against him.

Reuters reported on 15th that:
three sources who wished to remain anonymous said that the
CCP’s Central Discipline Inspection Committee would release
investigation reports on Zhou Yongkang.

Sources said that Zhou had been under house arrest since
the year-end of 2013.
Investigations of corruption charges were made on his family
and political allies.
Zhou is also suspected to have eavesdropped on calls
between CCP leaders, and of murdering his ex-wife who died
in a “traffic accident”.

The article quoted sources that over 300 relatives,
allies and business partners of Zhou were arrested,
detained or interrogated in the past two years.

Investigations show that those people at least own assets of
90 billion Yuan ($14.7 B) in total.

On the other hand, sources and observers tend to believe
that the CCP will not tell all the truth to the public,
as that will further damage the party’s public image.

It is also a difficult thing to publicly explain how Zhou
managed to become Politburo Standing Committee
member while he committed those crimes.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
