【禁闻】中共密令阻大赛 幕后黑手政法委




美国“乔治梅森大学”教授 章天亮:“这个舞蹈大赛有很多艺术家们,他们通过这种途径促进中国文化的神韵艺术团,甚至加盟神韵艺术团,并且在加盟之后,能够以他们自己对艺术的理解和修养,提升神韵艺术团的表现力和技巧的水平,所以说这些方面综合在一块,就使政法委他对神韵艺术团,对中国古典舞就是非常非常的重视。”

《新唐人电视台》从2007年开始举办“全世界中国舞舞蹈大赛”,今年是第五届,纽约乔弗瑞芭蕾舞学院(Joffery Balllet School)成为今年舞蹈大赛的赞助者,舞蹈大赛的影响力不言而喻。目前舞蹈大赛已经正式拉开帷幕,进入报名阶段,今年的初赛首次选择香港举行。但中共当局随即展开大面积抵制。



舞蹈大赛选手姜芃之母唐女士:“ 当时我们听说沈阳那边有人要去参加大赛,却遭到中共的打压和迫害,他们的护照也被中共抢走了,然后他们有的还被迫流离失所,听到这个消息以后,我们根本就不敢去办这个签证,那么就是现在,我们的孩子也没有参加《新唐人》举办的这个舞蹈大赛。”




采访编辑/常春 后制/

CCP Blocks NTD International Dance Competition

According to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State
controlled news, the Politics and Law Committee
asked all units to boycott the NTDTV International Chinese
Classical Dance Competition.
Chinese dance is the essence of
the cultural treasures of China.
The aim of the NTDTV Competition is to carry forward
China’s 5,000 years of civilization and spiritual connotation.
Why would the CCP resist and interfere
with a dance competition?
What is the CCP’s real fear?
Let’s find out more together.

According to reliable sources, the CCP issued
a secret order via internal circulars.
It required a full resistance to the NTD International
Chinese Classical Dance Competition.
Those responsible for the order are Jiang Zemin’s
blood-debt faction and CCP Politics and Law Committee.

Visiting Professor Zhang Tianliang of George Mason
University in the U.S. Commented.
“Classical Chinese Dance is the main art form
taken by Shen Yun Performing Arts.
Shen Yun promotes Chinese culture, and the CCP
is very afraid of Shen Yun Performing Arts."
Many people have since joined Shen Yun through
the NTD dance competitions.
The Politics and Law Committee thus paid great attention
to the International Chinese Classical Dance Competition.

Professor Zhang Tianliang: “Many artists in the dance
competition joined Shen Yun. Shen Yun promotes Chinese culture.
After joining, they use their own accomplishments
and understanding in art to enhance the expressive power and level of skill level in Shen Yun.
All these aspects made the Politics and Law Committee
pay great attention to Shen Yun Performing Arts and classical Chinese dance.”

NTDTV launched the International Chinese Classical Dance
Competition in 2007, and it is now in it’s fifth year.
Joffrey Balllet School became a sponsor for the competition.
The influence of the dance competition is self-evident.
Now the Dance Competition has officially
entered the stage of registration.
Preliminary competitions will be held
in Hong Kong for the first time.
But the Chinese Communist authorities
immediately started to resist it.

Ma Lijuan, Chairman of NTDTV Global Competition series:
“(CCP) is naturally going against nature and man,
respect for ethics, respect to heaven
and understanding of life.
So for the CCP, whoever wants to recover
traditional culture will destroy the CCP.
This is because traditional culture is incompatible
with the concept of the CCP."

In 2007, Jiang Peng, a dancer from Mainland China
was invited to participate in the competition.
Jiang did not dare to apply for a visa using the invitation
letter from NTD because of the CCP’s interference.
She is still unable to participate in the competition.

Ms. Tang, mother of Jiang Peng: “(In 2007) we heard
someone in Shenyang was going to the dance competition.
They were suppressed and persecuted by the CCP.

Their passports were confiscated, and some
of them were forcibly removed from their homes.
After hearing this, we did not dare to apply for the visa.
My child can still not go to participate in the competition.”

Well-known singer Yang Yinbo, who signed
with Dragon Soft media company,
was concerned about the International Chinese Classical
Dance Competition.
He said that compared to party culture,
people tend to use cultural expression in NTD.

Yang Yinbo: “I know a lot of people
are doing remarkable things.
That is to return to true traditional culture to China.
In thousands of years, the reason China had become
a nation, a country, is because every Chinese
has formed deep-rooted cultural values.
These values determine the final trend of the nation.”

NTDTV’s Classical Chinese Dance Competition has become
the only platform for creation, display, communication and promotion of classical Chinese dance.
It has gained a wide range of recognition and praise
in the dance community in just six years.
It will also bring classical Chinese Dance, with it’s pure
compassion and beauty, to the world.
