




中国职工的平均工资不仅长期“被增长”, 中国劳动报酬占GDP的比重也很低。刘植荣计算出2010年中国劳动报酬占GDP的比重仅为18%。



美国宾西法尼亚大学沃顿商学院博士、现任香港中文大学讲座教授郎咸平却认为,中国其实是个消费力严重不足的国家。 因为中国人太贫穷。郎咸平认为,2009年,中国的薪资收入占GDP下降到只有8%,比非洲还低。





China’s USD0.8/h Wage Increased?

According to China’s National Statistics Bureau,
urban salaries increased 13.5% to 14.1% in 2010,
higher than the GDP 10.3% and CPI 3.3% increases.
Yet, experts say such salary increases’ statistics
have serious flaws and are misleading.

According to author Liu Zhirong, official figures
of salary increases were calculated
based on the “average,” not the “median,”
and couldn’t reflect the real salary situation
for the majority of workers.

Statistically, a salary “median” is found
by arranging all salary values nationally
from lowest to highest and picking the middle one.
Most of the salaries are closer to the “median”
and lower than the “average.”

Liu says a salary “median” reflects an income gap.
He does not understand why the Statistics Bureau
did not collect such important data.

Moreover, salaries and wages constitute only
a small portion of China’s GDP, a mere 18% in 2010,
according to Liu Zhirong’s calculation.

IMF reports that since 1980 the share of GDP
consisting of wages and salaries has remained
above 63% in Europe and above 40% in India.

Caoan Jushi: “In the past 20 years, China focused
on export and economic growth. But Chinese people
did not benefit from such economic growth.
That is to say, China’s economy has improved,
but people’s lives have not.”

China recently became the second largest consumer
of luxuries. Great fortunes are spent on luxurious
real estate, automobiles, clothing, etc.

Prof. Lang Xianping believes China lacks consuming
capacity because the Chinese people are poor.
In 2009, salaries and wages constituted only 9%
of China’s GDP, a number lower than that of Africa.

According to Prof. Lang, the average wage in China
is USD0.8 per hour, the lowest in the world;
while Chinese workers work 2200 hours per year,
the longest in the world.

Prof. Lang expressed his concern that income gap
may result in loss of motivation and desperation
among the Chinese people.

According to RFI, income gap in China poses
a great threat to the stability of society.
Such income gaps have often been a cause
of social turmoil and a trigger of revolution.

NTD reporters Li Ting and Wang Mingyu
