

译者序言:“共产革命大虐杀 – 不自由,毋宁死”(Revolutionary Holocaust — Live Free or Die)揭示了共产主义、社会主义与纳粹主义的共有理论基点,并将史达林,格瓦拉与毛泽东的革命大虐杀的反人类罪行公诸于众。今天以中共党朝为首的“新纳粹(民族社会主义)”与美国新社会主义回潮是世界所有热爱自由的人们应提起警觉并要奋起反击的。我很荣幸能将戈兰. 拜克制作的“共产革命大虐杀 – 不自由,毋宁死”翻译成中文以将共产邪恶的理论基点及罪恶的真相告知中国的人们。

作者介绍:戈兰•拜克 (Glenn Beck, Fox News 福克斯电视台)是当今美国社会中最具影响力的、少有的保守派主流电视主持人之一。他也是唯一的一个有眼光、有洞察力、有勇气的将共产主义、社会主义邪恶与今天美国左翼大政府病态情结暴露于众的最具美国自由精神的电视主持人。


BECK: Now, you’ve seen his face everywhere, maybe on your son or daughter’s t-shirts. But hopefully you will soon realize why that has got to stop.

戈: 现在我们来看看另一个共产屠夫: 你可能在街上到处都可以看到他的形象 – 也可能在你的儿女们身上穿的汗衫上就印着有他。 我希望你看完这个纪录片后意识到人们再也不要继续这种蠢行了。


切. 格瓦拉的妖魔真面目

“崇魔的时尚” 视频连锁 (Link to “Killer Chic” by Reason TV):


(voice-over): I guess we have to make a choice. Giselle in a bikini. This is how to learn about history. You see, this is the hottest supermodel in the world. What is this? This is Che. And this, too, is Che. And so is this.

戈(幕后音): 我想我们得做一个道德选择: 超级模特芝塞尔穿的三点式泳衣是否是个欺人骗局? 我们就这样学习历史吗? 你看,这是个全球最红的超级模特。 那是谁? 那就是古巴的切. 格瓦拉。 这儿也是格瓦拉。 那儿也是格瓦拉。

He’s a fashion icon among his revolutionary peers. And he is everywhere. In fact, all of this is Che. Ernesto Che Guevara.

他真是个在他的革命同伴们中最被崇拜的时髦偶像。 “切. 格瓦拉”真是无处不有。 这就是“切”— 厄尔尼斯托. 切. 格瓦拉。

NICK GILLESPIE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, “REASON.COM": There is the famous t- shirt. It is so famous in fact that you can even buy t-shirts that have images of the t-shirt on it. Che’s image sells beers. It sells lighters. It sells belt buckles. It sells baby onesies.

尼克•格莱斯比(“理性思维杂志”主编): 这就是那个著名的汗衫。 它是那麽的出名以致有的汗衫把这个汗衫的形象印在上面。 “切”的形象满天飞被用作商业广告区卖啤酒、去卖打火机、去卖皮带环、甚至去卖婴儿的联裤衫。

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: Why are you risking your life to fight for us?

一个匿名的演员: 为什么你要舍命为我们而战呢?

BECK: Nowhere is Che seemingly loved more than in Hollywood, USA.

戈: 哪儿也比不上美国好莱坞对格瓦拉的崇尚。

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: You’ll see. When Fidel is running things, everybody will read and have food on the table.

匿名的演员: 你想想,当古巴的卡斯楚掌权行政后,所有的人都有饭吃、有学上。

BECK: But is that who Che really was?

戈: 但那就是格瓦拉其人所要的和代表的吗?

GILLESPIE: One of the things that is fascinating about the cult of Che is that it effectively thrives in the absence of any kind of historical understanding.

尼克. 格莱斯比: 对格瓦拉的个人崇拜最让人迷惑不解的是这种迷恋崇拜缺乏任何对历史真相的了解与认知。

BECK: For example, look around at an anti-war rally and you’ll probably see Che.

戈: 就比如说吧,你只要到任何左派反战的和平集会上你都会看到格瓦拉的形象。

GILLESPIE: Che was a self-taught revolutionary who was instrumental in Castro’s takeover of Cuba. He became known as the butcher of La Cabana prison in revolutionary Cuba where he personally oversaw the execution of anywhere from 175 to several hundred people. He’s implicated in thousands of deaths that come after that.

尼克. 格莱斯比: 格瓦拉是个自认的革命家。 他在古巴卡斯楚的革命夺权中占有重要的位置。 他有一个绰号 – 拉克巴尼亚监狱的屠夫 。 在共产革命后的古巴,格瓦拉亲自决定处决的囚徒已知的就有175人,没有记录的则多有几百人。 有他参与处死的人数多达几千。

HUMBERTO FONTOVA, AUTHOR, “EXPOSING THE REAL CHE GUEVARA": 14,000 men and boys were executed in Cuba during the 1960s.

洪波托. 方透瓦 (“切•格瓦拉的真面目”作者): 仅在六十年代,14,000 男人与未成年的少男们在古巴被革命当局处死。

GILLESPIE: He said his dream was to become a killing machine. He said to his revolutionary comrades if they weren’t sure of someone’s loyalty, if in doubt, kill him. These are the realities that we need to understand about Che. You can probably call him clinically a sadist.

尼克•格莱斯比: 格瓦拉曾说他个人的愿望就是要当一个“杀人机器”。 他对他自己的革命同志说: 如果你怀疑你身边的人,先杀了他再说。 这就是真实的格瓦拉。 你尽可以把他叫作有精神症状的虐待狂。

FONTOVA: When you read his diaries, he goes into particular detail about when he, himself, shoots people in the head.

洪波托•方透瓦: 在格瓦拉的日记中,他曾详尽地描述过他自己枪击人脑的血淋淋的场面。

BECK: But it goes beyond war. Go to a rock concert and you’re sure to see Che.

戈: 对格瓦拉的迷恋崇拜并不只是在战争期间。 今天你如果去一个摇滚音乐会你就会看到他的形象。

GILLESPIE: This is a man who tried to ban free expression; particularly, musical expression such as rock music and jazz music, because he thought it was imperialist. He was the Caribbean equivalent of the Taliban. He enforced a single moralistic viewpoint. And if you didn’t agree with him, you would be killed.

尼克•格莱斯比: 格瓦拉曾全力反对自由言论与表达,特别是在音乐表达上。 他厌恶的摇滚乐与爵士乐并称之为帝国主义的音乐。 他就是加勒比海域的“塔利班”。 他有自己独一无二的对人们表达方式的见解。 你要是不同意,他就宰了你。

FONTOVA: One of my favorite is Carlos Santana. At the 2005 Oscars, naturally, “The Motorcycle Diaries" won an Oscar and Carlos Santana went there to play the theme song for it. Well, he was wearing a Che Guevara t- shirt.

洪波托•方透瓦: 我常提到的一个让人恶心的例子就是卡洛斯. 桑塔纳(摇滚音乐家)。 在2005年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,描述格瓦拉青年时期的电影“摩托车日记”赢了一个奖。 卡洛斯. 桑塔纳就穿着有格瓦拉形象的汗衫上台演奏了电影中的主题曲。

Carlos Santana was showing off an emblem of a regime that made it a criminal offense to listen to Carlos Santana music.

卡洛斯•桑塔纳在用一个专制的标像去颂扬古巴。 他难道不知道在古巴你要是听桑塔纳(他自己)的摇滚乐是犯罪行为?!

BECK: But surely Che was a progressive and uniting force on race, right?

戈: 但有人说格瓦拉是代表进步的人,尤其是在种族歧视的问题上。 真是这样吗?

FONTOVA: He says, “The Negro is lazy and indolent and spends all of his money on frivolities and booze, whereas the European is intelligent and forward-looking." This was from his own diaries.

洪波托•方透瓦: 格瓦拉曾说: “黑人都是懒人喜欢闲散。 他们挣了钱就都花在玩儿女人与酗酒上了。 欧洲白人可都是聪明的和有眼光的。” 他自己在他的日记中就是这么说的。

Yet we’ve got Jesse Jackson down there — Viva Che! We’ve got Jay-Z with songs and the lyrics, “I’m just like Che Guevara with a bling on."

可是我们有杰西. 杰克逊(美国黑人活动家)到古巴去喊: “格瓦拉万岁!” 我们还有像杰贼一样的音乐歌曲说:“我就像个格瓦拉,只不过我戴着首饰。”

JAY-Z, RAPPER: I am like Che Guevara with bling on. I’m complex

杰贼 (辣泼音乐家)唱到: “我就像个格瓦拉,只不过我戴着首饰。 我比较复杂。”

BECK: Maybe he is complex. Either that or this guy doesn’t know that this guy would have thought that this guy was nothing but a frivolous lazy drunk just because of the color of his skin.

戈: 也许他是比较复杂。 也许他根本就不知道、也不在乎格瓦拉就因为他的肤色称他为醉鬼懒虫。

So what is wrong with wearing the t-shirt of a warmongering, blood-thirsty racist? Well, what if he was also a terrorist, too?

就说吧,你愿意穿上带有一个崇尚暴力的、嗜血鬼的、种族主义者形象的汗衫。 但你还不知道,格瓦拉还是一个恐怖主义分子。

FONTOVA: “To his home, to places of work, to his places of recreation. We will attack the enemy wherever he lives." Folks, this was written in 1966. He preempted al-Qaeda by 30, 40 years.

洪波托•方透瓦: 格瓦拉语录: “到他家里去,到他的办公楼去,到他的娱乐场所去、、、。 我们就是要在一切可能的地方消灭敌人。” 这可是格瓦拉在1966年就写下的。 他可比“基地组织”早三四十年啊。

BECK: Let’s see you can tell the difference. Which quote is from Che and which is from Osama Bin Laden? Who said that if he had nuclear weapons, he would use them against the very heart of America, including New York City?

戈: 我来试试你,看你能不能辨出这是谁说的,格瓦拉还是本. 拉登? 谁说的“如果我有原子弹,我就用它攻击美国本土重镇,包括纽约”?

And who said, “The U.S. is a great enemy of mankind? Against those hyenas, there is no option but extermination"? Yes, it’s kind of unfair. It was a trick question. Both of those quotes are from Che.

谁说的“美国是人类最大的敌人。 与这些野兽们斗,唯一的胜法是灭绝”? 对不起,是有点儿不公平,我知道你不知道。 这些话都来自格瓦拉。

Luckily, his attempts at killing Americans on our soil were about as effective as his attempts to ignite revolution around the world.

我们很幸运: 格瓦拉消灭美国人的图谋没有得逞,就像他试图掀起世界革命的图谋没有得逞一样。

GILLESPIE: we look 50 years into the future and there are only two unapologetic communist regimes, North Korea and Cuba. If they had enough nutrition in order to run out of North Korea, they would do that. They’re starving there.

尼克•格莱斯比: 我们想象在五十年后的世界只有两个顽固不化的共产极权社会 – 北韩与古巴。 如果在那儿的人们还有一点儿力气逃出来的话,他们就会逃掉。 但人们恐怕连跑的力气都没有了。 他们正在挨饿。

In Cuba, we see time and again people who are so desperate to get off that island hell-hole they will swim through shark-infested waters. Che was the vanguard of the revolution. He was going to bring communism everywhere around the world.

在古巴,我们都知道人们是那麽的绝望,他们宁肯冒着生命危险游过满是鲨鱼的海峡逃出地狱投奔自由。 格瓦拉是古巴革命的发起人之一。 他也想把古巴革命带到全世界。

In this sense, Che was an absolute abject failure and it’s a damn good thing that he was.

在这一层意义上说,格瓦拉彻底地失败了。 他的失败确实大快人心。

BECK: Well, Che wasn’t successful in his bid for world revolution. There are plenty of people trying to pick up right where he left off. So what was it like to live in the one place that Che was successful? Find out, next.

戈: 我们现在知道,格瓦拉想把革命带到世界上去,但他失败了。 当今还有许多人要步他的后尘。 那我们来看看有一个地方格瓦拉的理想变成了现实。 下面就是这个地方的故事。

共产革命大虐杀 – 真相纪实(视频四)

(END VIDEOTAPE) 视频 (4)完 (待续)
