【禁聞】中共臉書設專頁 招來罵聲一片

【新唐人2014年05月28日訊】中共臉書設專頁 招來罵聲一片





11省數千老兵同時示威 特警戒備




抗議徵地污染 4省爆發示威







Chinese Communist Party Facebook Provokes Condemnation

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently set up a
Facebook account.

The CCP Facebook responses are mainly condemning and
quickly were accusations from many Facebook users.

Ironic feedback has bene left: “Designated to fight the
Communist bandits";

“From a dictatorial government disallowing its people to
have a FB account, who is the FB set up for? What is the point?”

“Is this a new game from the CCP to slap on its
own face?”

“Please use Weibo, not Facebook. According to the CCP
law, you have broken the law. Repent and be saved."

Some Internet users posted the news that the CCP was being
condemned on Facebook to Chinese Weibo, which caused
more netizens to participate in the online accusations.

However, these posts were quickly removed.

Since Facebook is not under the administration of the CCP,
none of the messages can be deleted.

The Internet users are waiting for the CCP’s next move to this
laughable matter.

SWAT on Alert: Thousands of Veterans From 11 Provinces

On May 26, thousands of veterans from 11 provinces such as
Hunan, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan etc.
launched simultaneous protests.

These veterans are soldiers who participated in the 1979 Sino-
Vietnam War or served at the Chinese nuclear sites.

With banners, flags, and uniforms, these veterans marched
towards their local governments demanding social security
and medical care.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dispatched a large
number of armed police, special police, and traffic police.

It is understood that these veterans who had sacrificed
everything for the CCP, are now mostly old and frail,
and leading a difficult life with elderly and younger
generations at home.

Numerous petitions have led to detention, arrests
or other means of suppression by the authorities.

Protests Against Land Acquisition and Pollution in
Four Provinces

Land disputes and pollution have led to collective protests in
four provinces within a day.

On May 25, violent conflict erupted in Shenxi Yayao village
of Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province because of forced land
acquisition. Many villagers were wounded.

The next day, hundreds of villagers protested to local
government and met with violent disperse.

Two villagers were arrested.

On May 26, hundreds of villagers from Xintang village of
Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, also took a demonstration
to local government over land problems, and confronted the
police for a few hours.

Villagers from Yiyang County, Jiangxi Province protested on
the 16th over lead smelting pollution.

Local government cracked down on the hundreds of villagers
protesting, many villagers were beaten and detained.

On the same day, many villagers from Xinji City, Hebei
Province, were also beaten and arrested for protesting at
poisonous sewage from the local tanning district.

Editor/Zhou Yulin
