【禁聞】陳光標曬現金 赴美欲買紐約時報

【新唐人2014年01月02日訊】中國富豪陳光標常有驚人之舉:出售空氣、砸日本車、高調進行各種慈善活動。 2013年的聖誕夜,陳光標再用東風大卡車運了一車16噸的百元大鈔(約14億),臨時搭砌了一個「演播室」,宣傳所謂「經濟普查」。「曬錢」過後,他又透露,將赴美洽談收購或參股美國媒體《紐約時報》。「典型的陳光標風格」這次又將引來哪些批評? 請看報導。



消息傳出後,《紐約時報》一名女發言人表示,公司不對謠言置評。而公司董事會主席小亞瑟•蘇茲伯格(Arthur Sulzberger Jr.)則明確表態:我們不賣。








陳光標曾在2012年8月,購買《紐約時報》的半版廣告頁面,刊登「 釣魚島自古以來就是中國領土」的聲明廣告;去年(2013年)8月,他又兩次在《紐約時報》宣示釣魚島主權。

中共自2008年下半年啟動了「大外宣」戰略。香港《動向》雜誌去年(2013年) 8月號的報導指出,美國的華人社會,包括中文報紙、雜誌、網站,能客觀報導中國、不取悅中共者,已經寥寥無幾了。





採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/陳建銘

Chen Guangbiao Shows-Off Cash to
Purchase “New York Times"

Chinese billionaire Chen Guangbiao often set the world on fire
by selling the air, smashing Japanese cars and taking part in a
variety of high-profile charity events.

On Christmas Eve 2013, Chen Guangbiao carried 16 tons of
one-hundred-dollar bills (about 1.4 billion) using a Dongfeng
truck to propagate a so-called economic census in a
temporary assembled studio.
After showing off the money, he disclosed he would negotiate
the takeover or equity participation of U.S. media
The NewYork Times in the US.

What type of criticism has the specific Chen Guangbiao style,
in turn attracted?

British “Reuters" (Dec. 31) reported on Tuesday that
China Huangpu renewable resources CEO Chen Guangbiao
had the idea of taking over the New York Times" two years ago.

He will meet the principal shareholder in New York in January.

Chen Guanbiao believes that the “New York Times" worth 10
billion dollars.
He will co-fund takeover or equity participation of The New
York Times with another Hong Kong tycoon.
The Hong Kong tycoon is willing to contribute 500 to 600
million dollars, he will contribute 200 to 300 million dollars.

After the news coming out, a New York Times spokeswoman
said the company will not comment on the rumors.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors Arthur Sulzberger Jr.
made it clear that they will not sell.

But Chen Guangbiao said he would use his property without
hesitancy as long as he can purchase The New York Times.

Chen Guangbiao also told Reuters that if the takeover proposal
failed, he would consider the takeover of U.S. cable television
network CNN, The Washington Post or Wall Street Journal etc.

Chen Guangbiao is famous of showing off or hyping things up
and was disputed in China mainland.

The 44 year old Chen Guangbiao is neither deputy of the
National People’s Congress (NPC) nor a member of the
National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political
Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
But since 2000, he has sat in the NPC and CPPCC for 13 years.
Last year, Chen Guangbiao sat in the NPC and CPPCC with a
green hat and suggested that lower level people shouldn’t
have children, which stunned everyone.

Previous news editor of “Phoenix" Pang Chung believes that
it’s unlikely that New York Times will sell to Chen Guangbiao
and his speculation is suspected to flatter
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

US China senior media person Pang Chung: The CCP has
exerted influence with penetration to the overseas media
for several years.

Chen Guangbiao would like to take this opportunity to show
good faith to the CCP and be subservient to it.

Pang Chung said, The New York Times is a core value of
America and Western civilization that is unlikely to be
purchased as Chen Guangbiao had hoped.

In August, 2012, Chen Guangbiao bought a half-page
advertisement from The New York Times to post a statement
stating: Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory from the old.

Last August, he declared sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands
two times in The New York Times.

Since the second half of 2008 the CCP launched the “big
propaganda" strategy.
Last year, Hong Kong “Trends" magazine reported that there
are very few Chinese societies in the US, who can report on
China objectively without flattering including
newspapers, magazines and websites.
Trends magazine pointed out that when the U.S. CNN
television is limited to five-star hotel rooms in China
for only foreign visitors, the CCP various types of satellite
television broadcasting had unimpeded access to the
U.S. four million Chinese households.

A magazine report that in the last five years, US
universities and think tank issues believe the criticizing
voice of the CCP to becoming smaller and smaller.
Although Chinese political dissidents are being jailed
one by one; Tibetans self-immolation one after another;
people’s houses are being broken-down one by one;
dignitaries being ransacked in China are more and more crazy,
they are no longer subjects that attract the American professors’ attention.

There are more and more explanations for the CCP’s tyranny
published in US newspapers and magazines after more and
more money came from the CCP’s “big propaganda" strategy.
China Political columnist Zhu Jianguo: One is to make the
CCP propaganda and mouthpiece stronger, the other is to
suborn the foreign media and opposition.
It’s essential is to further the implementation of tyranny and
make the party world expand to the whole world.

Chinese Political columnist Zhu Jianguo pointed out that the
CCP wanted to create “a red world" in the world, but it runs
counter to the trend and modern values.
This implementation of despotism and limiting others
existence will make itself hard to exist.
