【禁聞】揭自我審查內幕 彭博社記者離職

【新唐人2013年11月21日訊】揭自我審查內幕 彭博社記者離職

美國《彭博新聞社》駐香港記者傅才德(Michael Forsythe),因披露《彭博社》自我審查的內幕,目前已經離職。

傅才德11月19號在推特上用英文寫道: 「我可以證實我已經離開彭博新聞社,我現在只能說這些。」




不滿社會政治局勢 香港又現移民潮






廣東諾基亞工潮惡化 警察入廠鎮壓



罷工行動11月19號爆發,最初只有200多 名工人參與,抗議公司被微軟收購後,工人沒有得到合理補償。廠方當天開除了六名參與罷工的員工,使事態惡化,罷工潮進一步升級。



Bloomberg News Reporter Left Because Of The China Leak

Bloomberg News reporter in Hong Kong Michael Forsythe
was let go over the China leak.

On Nov. 19, Michael Forsythe wrote on the Twitter, “I can
confirm that I have left Bloomberg News. That’s all I’m going
to say for now."

Last week, many news quoted inside sources that Bloomberg
News is allegedly self-censoring for fearing to lose operations
in China.

As a result they suspended the investigative report on the
relationship between China’s wealthiest man and the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) officials.

The Financial Times reported on the 17th that the news
organization suspended Michael Forsythe.

Bloomberg has not commented on Michael Forsythe’s leaving.

Hong Kong People Are Anxious to Leave

Due to the dissatisfaction with the current social and political
situation in Hong Kong, people are emigrating.

Voice of America reported that in the first half of 2013, nearly
4,000 people emigrated from Hong Kong, an increase of 8%
compared to the same period of time last year.

Taiwan newspaper China Post also reported that in the past
six months, applications to Taiwan residency from Hong
Kong has increased by six fold.

Similar emigration was seen in 1997 prior to the transfer of
sovereignty to the Communist regime.
The majority of them moved to the U.S., Canada and Australia
for fear of the Communist ruling.

Hong Kong Legislative Council Fernando Cheung Chiu Hung
was quoted as saying that a large number of Hong Kong people
choose to leave Hong Kong, partly because the cost of living is
too high.
However, the invasive Beijing attitude towards the Hong
Kong’s political autonomy and the frustration towards
the Hong Kong Government also contributed to the
recent migration activities.

Guangdong Nokia Workers Protest Intensified

Workers of Nokia factory in Dongwan consecutively
held protests for two days.
On Nov. 20, the protesters increased to 3,000.

The regime sent more than 200 police armed with shields
and batons to the site.
Six people were injured, including one pregnant woman.
Four protesters were arrested.

The protest started on November 19,with 200 workers involved.

They protested against the factory not giving workers reasonable
compensation after the company was purchased by Microsoft.
The factory sacked six workers, who participated in the protest,
It made the situation worse, so now the protest is intensifying.

