【禁聞】羅援少將 開微博引發大論戰













時政評論家伍凡:「軍隊要走上法西斯化,因為他們自認為有軍事、有武器裝備想擴張,要轉移矛盾。所以軍隊的文人張牙舞爪的要出來表達他們的想法,而這批人所謂文人都沒當過兵。 」






採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/葛雷

Chinese General Takes Up Weibo, Causes Great Debate

Recently, a post on Weibo by Luo Yuan, Vice Deputy
of China Military Academy, National Military Research
Department lead to an intense debate about Weibo.

Weibo was made into a “battlezone"and of punishing
traitors, but many jokes were created during the process.

Luo Yuan, Vice Deputy of China Military
Academy National Military Research
Department, opened a Sina Weibo account.
It was titled"Deputy Secretary of Chinese Military Academy."

He wrote: After permission, I can open a Weibo account.
This is a very important place to express public opinion.
If you do not say anything, other people will, and may
even make some rumbling noises using your name.
For our beloved country, beloved Communist Party,
beloved military and beloved people, we should fight!"

This Weibo went viral and received more than
30,000 comments, with people were intrigued
by the metaphor of Weibo as a battlezone.

Some asked:"If there is a conflict between the Communist
Party, the military and the people, who will he fight for?"

Luo Yuan later expressed to the online version of
People’s Daily that China, the Communist Party,
the military and the Chinese people are one body.

He also explains that the so-called “battle"refers
to defending the country’s rights against outside powers.
It refers to punishing traitors internally, striking hard
against corruption and lifting China up with spirit.

Intense debate immediately began
regarding ‘punishing traitors internally’.
Some people asked Luo to explain what traitors are.

Dai Xu, an Air Force Colonel on active duty defended Luo.

Dai said that Feng Wei and his supporters He Bing,
Yuan Wei and others forget where their true loyalties are.
They are traitors, and do not
deserve to be called intellectuals.

Feng Wei, history professor and expert on Sino-Japanese
relations problem expert at Fudan University responded
“He is a poor professor, he has no power,
no foreign citizenship and no key to the
national treasure, so he cannot be a traitor."

Writer Mu Rong Xue Cun also echoed this:

“History proves that ordinary citizens are incapable of being
traitors, the true traitors are those with the most power.
Those dishonest people, who deprave
the citizens of their fishes and meat."

Yet the leftists concur with Luo Yuan.
Zhang Hongliang, a Mao faction scholar writes:
“It is easy to see how intense the battle is,
as General Luo already has more than 200,000 fans since he posted on Weibo.
China’s biggest traitors and
compradors are in their death throes."

Yet well-known Weibo blogger Mr. Rong
encourages that the military to punish
traitors internally is allegedly unconstitutional.

Li Shanjian, independent commentator on China Issue:
“Aren’t all of China’s current problems brought about by the years of Communist rule?
All these years of destruction of Chinese culture and
traditions, including destruction of the environment within
the last couple decades has created much greater damage
to China than when Japan and other countries invaded.
This is the true traitor."

Japanese newspaper Mainichi points out:

“If the military belongs to the people and the country,
then please do not get involved with politics.
Listen to the people’s voices first!"

Wu Fan, current political affairs commentator:
“The military seeks to become Nazi-like, because they
have the weapons and want to expand, to redirect conflict.
So the intellectuals want to express their own opinions, yet
these intellectuals have never served in the military."

Wu Fan points out that it is definitely not good for
Chinese people if the military directs public opinion.

Some people have created an entertaining rhyme
using Luo Yuan’s words and family background.

According to Baidu Wikipedia, Luo Yuan’s father Luo
Qingchang was a close trustee of Premier Zhou Enlai.
He was once a high level CCP official
and member of the State Council.
His brother Luo Ting was a young navy admiral,
and his younger brother Luo Zhen was the CEO
of Hua Rong Group in New York.

Luo Yuan secretly deleted the post containing
“defending the country’s rights against outside
powers and punishing traitors internally".

However, a post praising Luo Yuan
appeared on Luo’s Sina Weibo account.
It says: “General Luo Yuan is a general as well as a scholar.
[He] analyzes Korea’s core problem poignantly.
[His] suggestions are very reasonable. He is quite intellectual
and is the more popular commentator on military affairs."

Using his own account and his own name to praise
himself, not only did this cause amusement for Chinese
netizens, but it also became a joke internationally.

On February 25th, the UK’s Telegraph published the article,
“Chinese general derided on web after taking up Weibo".
