

深圳的兰花说:我家祖辈、父辈都被中共迫害,因为家里是富农地主,文革期间父亲被关牛栏,母亲经常受批斗,嫂子被村干部长期霸占,哥哥抑郁成疾直到死无法瞑目! 我们全家恨透共产党,没有一个参加共产党组织,我是读初中的时候被迫入的团,小学被带过红领巾!在此慎重声明:退出中国共青团、少先队!


Selected Statements Withdrawing From The CCP.

Statements of quitting the CCP indicate miseries
of different generations of Chinese people.

Various campaigns launched by the CCP persecuted
grandparents and parents, as well as the young generation.

Young generation has chosen to quit the CCP,
to say farewell to the CCP.

Lanhua from Shenzhen:
My grandparents and parents were persecuted by the CCP.

My family was categorized as Landlord and Rich Farmer,
my father was locked up in a cattle barn
during the Cultural Revolution.

My mother was often denounced and bullied.

My sister-in-law was raped by the villager leader.

My brother suffered from depression and did not die in peace!

Our whole family hates the CCP. None of us joined the CCP.

I was forced to join the CCP Youth League in junior high school
and forced to join the CCP Young Pioneers Team
at elementary school!
I hereby announce:
I quit the CCP Youth League and the Young Pioneers Team!

Pan Jinmu and Another Person from Shanghai:
I am nearly 70 years old. I experienced CCP’s lies and disasters.

During the so-called Three-Year Natural Disaster,
many people died of starvation, including places with fertile lands.

In my village with about 100 people, many died.

Chinese people will suffer with the CCP.

Only with the CCP collapsing, can people have hope!
