【禁闻】“黑”香港公投 中共黑社会特征再被揭















采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭

Hong Kong media reveals the CCP’s mafia-like acts, as a response to the denouncement of referendum

A considerable number of Hong Kong residents attended the
referendum in less than four days to demand universal suffrage.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media published articles;
These claim “no matter how many people attend the ‘illegal’
vote they will never win over 1.3 billion Chinese people”.

Hong Kong media criticized the CCP for acting like an evil
cult, and also like a mafia gang.

The referendum is currently firing up the whole city of
Hong Kong.
By the afternoon of June 24, over 734,000 people voted.

CCP media have attacked the referendum by claiming “it is
not legal”.

They have aggressively labeled of the Hong Kong residents
as “opponents” and “lawless citizens”.

Among those media, the Global Times in particular said
that “the referendum is both lawless and useless”.

In response, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily published
a column editorial.
It said take the example of the McDonald’s murder, which was
committed by “Almighty God” members.
Its point is that the CCP has been found to match many of the
“characteristics” for a cult, hyped by Chinese media afterwards .
The article said, the CCP is similar to a cult in its structure
and brainwashing level.
However, people have paid more attention to the CCP’s
mafia-like features, especially its mentality and governance.
This mafia mentality has become more evident from its
handling of the recent Hong Kong and Taiwan issues.

Writer Li Ping, said the CCP thinks it can represent all 1.3
billion Chinese people on Hong Kong and Taiwan issues.
This is completely like the head of a mafia group.

Zhang Chengjue, Hong Kong freelancer “the CCP likes to
define what is a cult.
However according to the definition of a cult, the CCP itself
is without doubt a cult.
The CCP matches even more closely its own definition
of a mafia group.
It controls ordinary people with money, and all it does
is nasty and disreputable.
The CCP itself is the biggest mafia group in the world.”

Li Yuanhua, former Chinese history professor, said the CCP
matches all characteristics of mafia groups.

These include; forming stable criminal gangs;
Governing with violence, arbitrarily shooting civilians; and,
Kidnapping and arresting those fighting for justice
from all social classes.

Li Yuanhua “although describing itself as ‘great, glorious
and correct’, the CCP in fact is run like a mafia group.
For example, no members are allowed to quit and all members
have to be absolutely obedient to the party with no dissent.
It does not respect universal values or public orders,
but always use dictatorship styles to handle all issues.”

Li Yuanhua said, “the CCP has been proved to be
a criminal mafia group that harms our people.
Its governance always brings horror, tyranny and murder.”

Li Yuanhua:“the CCP’s ‘stability maintenance’ and ‘anti-
terrorism’ is never to improving public security or social needs.
Many of China’s violent incidents are indeed revolts against
the CCP suppression or come from extreme ethnic tensions.
The CCP is the real perpetrator of those incidents, but it
always seems as if it is maintaining stability of our society.”

Wang Beiji, political commentator, said although the CCP
had changed its leader several times in the past decades,
what has never changed is its basic attitude of being hostile
to Chinese people and spoiling their lives.

Wang Beiji:“in human history, there is no other dictatorship
group or governor that is as cruel as the CCP;
That oppresses people’s spirits so badly, persecutes religious
beliefs so recklessly, and that tortures humans so brutally.
Its damage to human civilization and freedom, and its torture
against people, is unparalleled in human history.”

Wang Beiji comments that the CCP has committed numerous
crimes of persecuting Chinese people.
It forcibly occupys land, demolishes homes and
arrests petitioners.
Human right lawyers and activists are suppressed on false
charges of subversion of state power or public order issues.
Falun Gong practitioners are brutally persecuted and
their organs are harvested from them while still alive.

Li Ping also pointed out that the CCP is showing new
mafia-like characteristics in recent years.
For example, the power struggle inside the CCP is like
a battle between gangsters.
The pursuit of interests drives all CCP officials to break the
law and moral standards with corruption and sex scandals.
Examples of notorious scandals are: “public mistress”;
“CCTV as a harem”, coup plotting, murdering;

The “Oil Clique”, “Sichuan Clique” and “Shanxi Clique”.
These all continue to disgust the Chinese public.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/Chen Jianming
