【禁闻】年关近 大陆又现讨薪潮




1月7号,广东省阳江市“宝马利汽车空调有限公司”的200名员工,也高举写着“尽快解决欠薪问题 我们已无饭吃”的大型抗议横幅,游行到阳江市政府,追讨欠薪。不过,工人们不但没有讨到薪水,还被到场的200名特警暴力殴打。









广西村民堵路示威 遭千警镇压


据《自由亚洲电台》报导,事件源于 1月6号,务本村一名村民的五菱微型面包车,被警方认为运输危险品而被连人带车一起扣押,村民当晚围堵派出所要求放人,并抢回被扣车辆。警方随后派人镇压,多名村民被抓捕。




As Chinese New Year Approaches Workers Protest For
Unpaid Wages

As the Chinese New Year approaches, arrears of wages have
prompted many take to the streets throughout China.

On January 8, more than 300 construction workers in Chengdu
City, Sichuan Province, protested with banners.
They read: “Seek Government help to get our wages", and
“Who will help the migrant workers".
They occupied the main street. Local government dispatched
riot police to disperse the protest.

On January 7, 200 employees of Baomali Automotive Air
Conditioning,Yangjiang city, Guangdong Province, marched
to city hall demanding their unpaid wages.

Their banners stated “Resolve the delinquency,
we have no food".
Rather than get the wages, the employees were treated with
violent assault by 200 special police at the scene.

On January 6, dozens of migrant workers hired by China
Railway and Evergrande Real Estate Group also sought
governmental assistance over the unpaid wages in front
of the city hall.

On the same day, more than a dozen of halal restaurant
workers in Luoyang City, Henan, also held a banner
requesting the owed wages.

Freedom House Calls For The Release of Liu Shihui

The non-governmental organization Freedom House issued a
statement on January 8 condemning the Chinese authorities for
the arrest of human rights lawyer Liu Shihui and Guangdong
activists, and demanded immediate release of those arrested.

On January 5, police restricted attorney Liu Shihui’s activity
during his visit to Guangzhou police station.
Liu went to inquire about the whereabouts of Xiao Qingshan,
Zhang Shengyu, and Ma Shengfen, both participants of the
Southern Weekly Incident Memorial.

Attorney Zhang Lei indicated that Liu Shihui was put into
detention for seven days in Yuexiu District charged
with “disturbing social order".

Freedom House stated: “In 2011, he ‘disappeared’ for 108
days as part of the authorities’ crackdown to stop an Arab
Spring-inspired ‘Jasmine Revolution’ in China.
Liu was tortured in custody, and the authorities deported his
Vietnamese wife."

More than 100 lawyers also issued a joint statement on
January 6 condemning the Guangzhou police for detaining
Liu Shihui and demanded his immediate release.

Guangxi Villagers Protest At Police Abuse of Power

On January 7, about 100 villagers from Nanning city, Guangxi,
occupied main roads and protested against the police for abuse
of power.

A thousand local police showed up with police dogs
at the scene to crack down on the protest.
More than 30 villagers were arrested, and some were injured.

Radio Free Asia reported, on January 6 the police impounded
a villager’s mini-van along with the villager on suspicion of
transporting dangerous good.

Local villagers surrounded the police station demanding the
release of the villager and took away the mini-van.
The police went after the villagers, arresting many of them.

The protest took place the next day.

Currently, the progress of this incident remains unknown.

