【禁闻】周永康成没牙虎 习近平会剥虎皮吗?


一名接近高层的人士对《路透社》说,习近平已经“拔光了老虎的牙齿”(Xi has pulled out all the tiger’s teeth),他的“党羽”和亲信早前都遭到整肃,目前的周永康基本上是一只死老虎了。现在的问题是:到底习近平是否要将周送交司法审判,剥掉老虎的皮?




消息人士披露,与已经落马的几位高官相比,蒋洁敏与周永康的关系更密切,蒋输送给周家的利益肯定 要比已被曝光的数目还大。




时事评论员 邢天行:“周永康现在其实跟死老虎没有什么两样,因为他确实没有什么权力了,他也没有什么像官二代那样的一个深厚的根基,习近平剥这只老虎的皮,已经在剥,各方面的表现到现在对周永康抓捕,都是在剥他的皮。但是剥皮剥到什么程度﹖是不是会彻底的剥皮﹖这个要看习近平他对中共罪行的态度上,怎么去处理前期留下的罪恶。”






采访编辑/常春 后制/孙宁

The arrest of Zhou Yongkang has become the most
eye-catching news coming from the Chinese Communist
political arena recently.

A foreign media report referred to Zhou Yongkang
as a toothless tiger and even a dead tiger.
The question is, will CCP leader Xi Jinping skin the tiger?

Sources with ties to the leadership told Reuters,
“Xi has pulled out all of the tiger’s teeth,"
referring to the downfall of Zhou Yongkang’s men.

Zhou Yongkang is like a dead tiger.

“The question is, ‘will Xi skin the tiger?'" commented
the source, referring to a trial.

Reuters was told by the source that Zhou’s men
have been sidelined, and, “the Central Commission
of Political Science and Law has been cleansed
of Zhou’s men."

Following the CCP 18th National People’s Congress, three
supporters of Zhou Yongkang were removed from their posts.
They were Li Chuncheng, Deputy Secretary of Sichuan,
Wu Yongwen, Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee
in Hubei Province, and Guo Yongxiang,
former Vice Governor of Sichuan Province.
Recently, it has been rumored that Sichuan tycoon Wu Bing,
known as Zhou’s family housekeeper, was also arrested.

In addition, Zhou Yongkang’s right-hand man
in the Daqing Oilfield, Wang Yongchun, was removed
from his post at CNPC (China National Petroleum Corp.

Three top executives of the CNPC were being investigated
for violations of regulations, including Wang Daofu, the chief
geologist of PetroChina and president of the Research
Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development.
The helmsman of PetroChina, Jiang Jiemin,
was also detained for interrogation.

Sources revealed that compared with several senior officials
who have been sacked, Jiang Jiemin had a tighter relationship
with Zhou Yongkang.

The interest delivered by Jiang was certainly much larger
than what has been exposed.

In addition, Deutsche Welle quoted Australia based
Daily Chinese Herald which stated that Procurator-General
Cao Jianming, and Li Dongsheng, Vice-Minister
of Public Security, were being investigated.
Cao Jianming was one of the core members under Zhou
Yongkang’s post at the Central Politics and Law Commission.
Li Dongsheng, a ministry-level official, was another
right-hand man of Zhou Yongkang.
He is the current head of the 610 Office.

Meanwhile, two of Hubei provincial officials were sacked
at the end of November this year.
These two officials were identified as Zhou Yongkang’s
associates, and also part of the Jiang’s faction in the CCP.

With Zhou Yongkang’s cronies being sacked one after
another, commentator Xing Tianxin indicates
that Zhou Yongkang is indeed a dead tiger.

It is up to Xi Jinping as to how to proceed
with Zhou Yongkang’s case.

Xing Tianxin, commentator: “In fact, Zhou Yongkang
is no different from a dead tiger, because he does not have
any power left.

He does not have a solid political background like
the second generation powerful ones.
Xi Jinping has been stripping him of his tiger skin
from all aspects, including this arrest.
It is only a matter of degree of how thoroughly
he will skin Zhou.
Xi’s attitude towards the CCP crimes will decide how
to handle crimes committed prior to his leadership."

Reuters reported that Zhou Yongkang is being investigated
for “violating party discipline", official jargon for corruption.
“In ordering the investigation, Xi has broken an unwritten
understanding that members of the Standing Committee
will not be investigated after retirement",
said the Reuters report.

Political analysts said, “such an indictment and a trial would
instill fear in other retired leaders and the party’s 80 million
members, worsening infighting among rival political
factions", reported Reuters.

Xing Tianxin points out those corruption accusations
are in fact the same approach used in the Bo Xilai case.

Xing Tianxin: “Zhou Yongkang’s core sin is related
to the entire evil nature of the CCP system, which was
particularly highlighted during Jiang Zemin’s era.
That is, the suppression of Falun Gong and his ultimate crime
in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
These crimes were generated under the ruling and system
of the CCP.
Zhou Yongkang did not create it by himself, it was created
through the entire CCP system under Jiang Zemin
and all relevant interest groups within the CCP."

Xing Tianxin analyzes that if Xi Jinping takes the approach
of safeguarding the CCP, punishment of Zhou Yongkang
will be just to remove a stumbling stone for his policy.

The deepest skin of Zhou Yongkang will remain and the case
will only follow the same approach as Bo Xilai’s case.

Interview & Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/SunNing
