【禁闻】《九评》发表九周年 一亿五千万人退党

【新唐人2013年11月19日讯】:九评》发表九周年 一亿五千万人退党





新疆警民冲突 最年轻死者17岁



深圳爆罢工潮 三工厂近六千人参与






A Million People Quit The Chinese Communist Party At Ninth
Anniversary of “Nine Commentaries" Publication

November 19 is the ninth anniversary of the publication of
the editorial “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"
by US based newspaper, The Epoch Times.

A large number of Chinese people recognized the nature of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) through the “Nine
Commentaries" exiting the CCP group, team and organization.

Now over 150 million people have declared on the Epoch
Times website their intention to quit the CCP and its affiliated

In 2004, it was the first time of analyzing the CCP deception,
violence, cults, and unscrupulous nature overall systematically
and in-depth when “Nine Commentaries on the Communist
Party" was published.
It exposed how the CCP’s tyranny brought the Chinese nation
and humanity hideous disaster.
It also gave a final judgment to the more than one century long
international communist movement, especially the CCP.

“Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" publication
caused strong repercussions in the international community

It was also translated into English, Japanese, German, French,
Korean, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Italian and other
languages soon after.

Meanwhile, the Chinese version was rapidly assembled into
a book and disseminate through the internet and among people
in mainland China.

It made hundreds of millions of Chinese people recognize the
CCP nature and developed a tide of quitting the Party.

The Youngest Person Dead In Xinjiang Clash Is 17 Years Old

It was reported by Radio Free Asia that a violent clash between
the police and the people happened in Xinjiang Selibuya Town
of Bachu County.

Nine Uyghurs were shot and killed by the police, one of
whom was only 17 years old.

Overseas Uyghur organizations alleged that the government
has arrested dozens of Uyghur and refused to return the remains
of the deceased.

6,000 People Of Three Factories Involved In Shenzen Strikes

Recently, strikes continued to break out in Guangdong
Pearl River Delta region.
At least three factories from Shenzhen participated
in the strikes, with about six thousand people involved.

On November 18, Hong Kong Oriental Daily reported 5,000
workers started a strike from October 31 because Shenzhen
“Micro Electronic Technology.STJ. (ASM)" had no
compensation for factory relocation.
The company is in Shenzhen Yantian District.

The strike has lasted more than two weeks but the labor
and management have not reached an agreement.

On November 14, “Radio Free Asia" reported more than 300
employees of Hong Kong-owned “San Wei Plastics Factory"
went on strike because of dissatisfaction with accumulation
fund and subsidies in Longgang District.
On the 15th, employees were under repression by large
numbers of police when they went to Longgang District
Government to seek help. At least one person was injured.

On the same day, hundreds of employees from “Tenda
Technology Co., Ltd." went on strike in fear of company
relocation compensation
The company is based in Nanshan District.

The strike lasted nearly sixteen hours; twenty leading employees
were fired on the spot.
