【禁闻】斯诺登被利用 对付习近平和欧巴马






美国媒体通过追踪斯诺登整个事件发现,今年3月,斯诺登申请美国国家安全局(NSA)的工作前,曾经联系那些后来帮助他发表消息的人,并建立了加密的通信方式。而斯诺登在5月20 号,谎称自己需要治疗癫痫病,离开美国国家安全局到达香港,此时,曾经帮助他建立加密通信方式的两人也来到香港,其中一人就是英国左派报纸《卫报》的记者。







采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

The Real Figures –In- The Dark Who Shoved Snowden

The incident of Edward Snowden’s fleeing to Hong Kong
has now subsided.
U.S. President Barack Obama has purposely minimized
the importance of the 29-year-old’s case in public.
Analysts believe that the incident was actually well-planned
by some specific faction of the Chinese Communist Party.
And that it was designed to embarrass Xi Jinping
and Obama, as well as to provoke the U.S..
Here’s our news coverage.

Edward Snowden, after getting the cold shoulder from
the CCP, flew to Moscow, but disappeared on arrival.
No country has yet come forward to grant him asylum.

On June 27 on his visit to Africa, Obama told media
that he won’t “do wheeling and dealing and trading”
or “scramble the jets to get a 29-year-old hacker.”

Despite frustration with China and Russia’s obvious
help for Snowden to evade extradition,
Obama hinted that it is not worth damaging
relations with the two countries.

US-based political commentator, Wu Fan, comments.

When Obama and Xi were meeting to negotiate
a new model of cooperation,
someone from inside the CCP shoved Snowden to rattle Xi.

Wu Fan: “Snowden is a small potato.
Obama might have known the ins and outs,
so he is playing down the importance of the situation.

Now American voices against the US surveillance program
are becoming weaker, and so is the pressure on Obama.
Therefore, in this incident, Snowden is the biggest loser.

in the light of the U.S., China and Russia,
the biggest loser is the CCP itself.”

After tracing back down the whole story,
U.S. media have found out more details.
Reportedly, before getting the NSA job,
Snowden had contacted, in encrypted Skype messages,
people who would later help him on
the exposure of the US prism program.
One of them is Glenn Greenwald, journalist of the
UK’s Guardian.
On May 20, Snowden landed in Hong Kong to
“get treatment for epilepsy”, a lie told to his bosses.
Glenn Greenwald and another “assistant”
also flew to Hong Kong.

Snowden told the South China Morning Post,
a pro-CCP English language paper based in Hong Kong,
that his accepting the NSA position “granted me access to
lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked.”
Whilst Snowden’s work there only lasted two months.

After leaving the U.S., Snowden spent half a month
in Hong Kong.
On June 5, Snowden leaked the secretive Prism program
to the Guardian.
On June 7, Obama-Xi talk was held in California, whilst
the CCP’s official media launched attacks against the USA.

Wu Fan: “After returning to China, Xi Jinping convened
a Politburo meeting to fix his CCP opponents.
Xi’s biggest rival is the faction under leadership of Jiang
Zemin, Zhou Yongkang, Zeng Qinghong, and Liu Yunshan.
Doubt has occurred that this faction were actually
behind Snowden, using him to struck against Xi Jinping.
This is because the CCP faction was annoyed to
see Xi Jinping moving closer to Obama.
I believe that Obama won’t blame it on Xi Jinping.”

The CCP authorities intentionally let Snowden go free,
which has riled Russia.
Russia’s Human rights ombudsman, Lukin,
asked Russian media:
“Why did he fly to Russia? In fact, what was
a Chinese problem has now become ours.”

Russia has reacted cautiously to the Snowden incident.

Besides Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, only a few
Russian officials have commented on this issue.

Liu Yinquan, former history professor in China, comments.

The CCP didn’t give Snowden asylum for fear of
offending the US.
At the same time it hates to return Snowden to the US,
so it suggests that Snowden fly to Russia.
But Russia is unwilling to accept this hot potato, either,
at the expense of harming Russian-US relations.
