【禁闻】大陆红会信誉扫地 壹基金又遭质疑

【新唐人2013年04月22日讯】【禁闻】大陆红会信誉扫地 壹基金又遭质疑

大陆红会信誉扫地 壹基金又遭质疑


4月21号,网友(@yancaiwm )发帖说,一、他在美国上壹基金的英文网看到这段文字:“所有的钱直接存入中国红十字会账号”﹔二、在壹基金的中文网查不到与英文相对应的中文信息﹔三、再从点击中文网页的English按钮,无法返回壹基金的英文网页。如此,壹基金的误导意图非常明显了:它不想让国内捐赠者知道它是红十字的马甲!








China’s Red Cross Mistrusted, Public Question
One Foundation’s Credibility

After the earthquake happened in Ya’an, Sichuan Province,
donations immediately became a heated topic online.
The public distrust China’s Red Cross,
because too many scandals have been exposed.
The public donations moved to another
charity company-“One Foundation”.
Can One Foundation can be trusted,
some people questioned.

On April 21st, netizen @yancaiwm posted: “Firstly, I read
One Foundation’s website in the US, the instruction said:
‘All the donations will be deposited directly into
the account of the Red Cross Society of China,
Secondly, One Foundation’s Chinese version website
didn’t have the same information,
Thirdly, if you click on the Chinese site’s “English” language
button, it doesn’t connect to One Foundation’s English website.
Thus, One Foundation’s misleading behavior is very obvious:

They didn’t want Mainland Chinese to know
they are connected to the Red Cross.”

Netizen fengyuxiahuangshan-Huang Sheng’s blog posted:

“One Foundation’s English version website said
donation directly will go into Red Cross.
The Red Cross is recognized worldwide and
donors feel secure.
However, the Chinese version said they are independently
operated, because Mainland Chinese don’t trust the Red Cross.
Two different versions is playing tricks,
which lacks credibility.”

Netizen uGalaxy posted: “One Foundation doesn’t look like an
NGO, more like a Chinese Communist Party side organization.
The board directors include a “Red” entrepreneur and
one who made a fortune by selling tainted milk powder.
One Foundation hired Deloitte and KPMG’s accounting service.

But the annual report is delayed and there is lack of evidence,
the transparency issue hasn’t been resolved yet.”

Chen Guangcheng’s Family Member Harassed In China

One year has passed since blind activist Chen
Guangcheng escaped from Dongshigu Village.
Chen’s family members in Shandong Province are
continuously harassed by the authorities.

Voice of America reported that on April 21st, some
people threw stones into Chen’s elder brother’s house.
Windows and roof tiles were smashed.
A dead duck was thrown into his yard.
Some paper money burnt for dead people was
put in front of his gate.

Again, on April 19th, two dead chicken and
one dead duck were thrown into his house.
In the early morning of April 20th, posters abusing
Chen Guangcheng and his brother in Donggu Village were everywhere.
It said that Chen Guangcheng was traitorously
connected with evil;
the Taiwan independence movement and Americans.
They also threatened Chen Guangfu.
