【禁闻】中日岛屿争激化 高层权斗民间热络





北京时政观察人士华颇:“打不起来!所以他们(中共)就高调宣示,一是对内,对内争取民众的支持,表现越强硬国内的民族主义越支持他。对外,有抗衡美日同盟的意味。 估计中日还要恢复以前的‘政冷经热’,在政治上高调喊打喊杀,在经济上还要‘密切合作’。”






伍凡:“中国老百姓比较理智的去对待日本。不仅看到历史,也要看看现在,究竟日本人对中国是怎么样的。 据我看到一个资料,百分之五十多、六十的日本人,不想跟中国人打仗。你光看一个是共产党喊要打,日本的右派要喊打,美国制止说你们不要打,所以这个战争不一定会打起来。但是叫喊、军队准备要打仗,这个是不会放松的。”





采访/李韵 编辑/王子琦 后制/李智远

Sino-Japan Islands Dispute Intensifies,
CCP Senior Officers Struggle for Power but Chinese Still Visit Japan

In the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands,
the tough attitude of the CCP and the long term confrontation exceed what many had expected.
However, scholars have said the CCP’s tough attitude is closely
related to the internal power struggle of the past year.
At the same time, an investigation shows that the number
of Chinese who visited Japan in the last year is higher than in the past.

Since the Japanese said the CCP’s navy had used fire control
radar to target Japanese ships and aircraft,
the entire armed forces of each CCP military region, including
the Second Artillery Force, are engaged in war preparations.
On February 14, six Chinese ocean surveillance ships cruised
around the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.
CCTV also broadcasted live coverage of the cruise,
and a close up view of the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands for the first time in history.

Japan Kyodo News quoted the Japan Coast Guard report that

the Chinese Surveillance ship had asked the Japanese ships
to leave China’s territorial waters in the Diaoyu area.

According to the Japan News Network, the Japanese
Self-Defense Force (JSDF) and the U.S. Marine Corps
held a joint resizing island military exercise in
Pendleton base California, U.S..
It was to simulate the two forces resizing the
Diaoyu islands after they had been occupied.
During the exercise, 50 JSDF soldiers did an airborne landing
from a U.S. Osprey transport aircraft, this is a first in history.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer: ”There won’t be a war!
That’s the reason why CCP has declared itself in high profile.
On the one hand, it wants to have
people’s support inside China.
It will have more support from domestic nationalism
if it shows a tougher attitude.
In addition, there has been a demonstration of
an anti US – Japan alliance.
I guess the Sino-Japan relationship will go back to
the political cold, but not in economic considerations.
Politically, the CCP shouts of beating and killing, but
cooperates closely with Japan where economy is concerned.”

The Voice of America quoted Matsuda Compro who is from
the Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo.
The purchasing of Diaoyu islands plan by Shintaro Ishihara,
the Tokyo Governor, changed into a nationalization event, this lit the fuse of the Sino-Japan islands’ dispute.
But the power struggle of CCP senior leaders and the power
transference itself intensified and deepened the contradictions between the CCP and Japan in the same period.

Matsuda Compro said the CCP’s power transfer can’t be done
before the National People’s Congress in March this year.
Some of the main officials responsible are behaving by
looking straight into their leader’s faces.
Finally, they have chosen a tough attitude. This is because,
during the power transfer, in general, people prefer to choose a relatively tough foreign policy.

Wu Fan, the chief editor of the U.S. Chinese magazine
China Affairs pointed out that even after the two sessions,
the internal struggle within the CCP has remained.

So the Diaoyu Islands’ issue is related to the internal struggle,
although not completely.

Wu Fan: “the greater reason for this state of affairs
is nationalism, which has brought pressure from the people.
Nationalism is created by the CCP. Now the people blame
the CCP: if you don’t take action, you are a traitor.
That’s why nobody dares to step backward,
nobody dares show weakness.
So, the power of nationalism may well exceed
that of the CCP’s internal struggle.”

At the same time, CCTV network quoted data from the
Japan National Tourism Administration that in 2012,
among 8.368million foreign visitors,
there were about 1.43 million Chinese.
This is the largest figure recorded in history.

Wu Fan: “Chinese people are treating Japan with rationality.
They balance history and today to judge what attitude Japanese people have toward China.
I have read data that claims that over 50%to 60% of Japanese
don’t want to fight with the Chinese.
The CCP has shouted to fight and the right-wing of Japan
talks about fighting, but the U.S. said don’t fight.
So there shouldn’t have been any likelihood of war.

But the shouting and military preparation have
gained momentum and won’t be easily stopped.”

Some netizens thought CCTV’s message very ironic.
“The slap in the face made a loud noise.”

Hua Po: “Anti-Japanese tirades are a temporary action.
This kind of enthusiasm can’t last for a long time.
When the enthusiasm is gone,
everything will go back to normal.
When people want to travel for fun, they will travel.

Those who need go to Japan will go,
regardless of the situation.”

Hu Jun, founder of China Human Rights Campaign:
“The CCP repeatedly encourages anti-Japanese feeling,
the shouting is so fierce, but people still went to Japan.

There’s another fact. Lots of officials have embezzled
so much money from people, but don’t have a place to use it.
Then there are so many people who travel out of China
by spending public funds.”

Hu Jun, found of China Human Rights Campaign pointed out
that CCP officials shouted anti-Japan on the one hand,
but they traveled to Japan and spent a lot of money there.

So it’s very clear that the real hostile forces and traitors
are those CCP officials.
