【禁闻】传胡春华介南周僵局 有秘密协议?





《中国事务》总编伍凡:“它现在是为了应付社会上的抗议—-社会上支持南方周末这个声浪;甚至于美国国务院发表的讲话;世界各国主要媒体都发表了评论、社论 。它在目前这种局势下,共产党是采取退一步,以后可能准备等时机成熟的时候再进两步,这都有可能。”










采访编辑/唐睿 后制/王明宇

Is a Secret Deal Behind Hu Chunhua’s Southern Weekend Stand-off Intervention?

The newly appointed Communist Party chief of
Guangdong province, Hu Chunhua, was reported to have diffused the Southern Weekend stand-off.
He proposed some solutions, including
no opportune punishment after the settlement.
It is believed a deal has been reached to cope with
public support of the Southern Weekend.
However, whether a grudge will be held
against it (the deal) remains to be seen.

Since the New Year message from the Southern Weekend
was tampered by the authorities,
public support to protest has reached a climax.
The world’s major mainstream media voiced their concern.
U.S. Department of State also issued a statement to support
Southern Weekend’s right to defend free media, and many
people also protest censorship and pay solidarity to support
the workers strike in front of the Southern Weekend Group.

Reuters reported that chief of Guangdong province,
Hu Chunhua, intervened in the Southern Weekend incident
with solutions such as end the strike and resume publishing,
and no grudge will be held by the authorities.

However, this reported solution by Hu Chunhua
was not publicized by the Chinese authorities.
China Affairs magazine editor Chris Wu believes that
a deal has been reached.

China Affairs editor Chris Wu:"The regime tries to deal
with the protest, the societal support, the U.S. State Department’s speech, and comments from the world media.
Under such a situation, the Communist regime
is only to take a step back and wait for an opportunity to leap forward two steps sometime later."

Hong Kong based Open Magazine editor Tsoi Wing Mui:
“It is very obvious that suppression will result if Southern Weekend incident is not resolved.
Also if this incident goes further, the Southern Weekend
incident will become a political issue.
Without suppression, it means compromise for sure."

It is also reported that Hu Chunhua has hinted that the
Guangdong Propaganda Minister, Tuo Zhen, will step down.
For the official to save face, he will not leave right away.

Also part of the deal is that Southern Weekend editor,
Huang Can, will be sacked, editorial staff will return to work, and publishing will be on time on Thursday, the 10th.

There are also other sources who alleged that
the editorial staff originally asked for an explanation
in the latest publishing and correction of mistakes
caused by the censorship.
However, whether this request will be realized
remains unknown.

New Tang Dynasty TV interviewed a reporter
of Southern Weekend for the latest info.
Southern Weekend reporter: “My phone is monitored."

New Tang Dynasty reporter: “It is not convenient for you
to talk?" Southern Weekend reporter: “No!"

Chris Wu Fan hopes to remind the Southern Weekend staff
not to believe the Communist Party.
Maybe Hu Chunhua will comply with the agreement.

But once the situation changes,
being part of the Communist Party,
Hu will only obey the order to punish those who are involved.

Chris Wu says that the Communist Party is a machine
that controls the media.

Chris Wu: “Do not ever trust Communist Party’s commitment.
There are too many lessons in history.
They will claim what’s white today is black tomorrow.
They never take their words seriously.
Whether or not there’ll be any retaliation later, we will see."

However, Hong Kong magazine Open editor, Tsoi Wing Mui,

admires editors of Southern Weekend for
their outspoken style under the harsh control of the regime. She praises their bravery.

Chris Wu says that people in China are now asking for freedom
of speech, dissolution of the Central Propaganda Department,
embarkment on the constitutional road, and even
the dissolution of the Communist Party.
These have a much wider impact than the
Southern Weekend incident.
The Communist regime fears that if this incident expands,
things will only get tougher for them to deal with.
