【禁闻】《南周》反审查 点燃街头民主集会




而在《南周》内部,编辑团队和管理高层之间正在进行激烈博弈。 1月6号晚间,《南方周末》官方微博发布声明,指说引发“南周事件”的新年特刊封面导言,是由报社负责人草拟,不是早前媒体人传出的是广东省委宣传部部长庹震操刀。而新年献词是报社编辑配合专题撰写,网上有关传言不实。











采访编辑/秦雪 后制/君卓

Anti-censorship Leads to Democracy Rally on Streets

The Southern Weekly’s New Year edition message that was
tampered with leads to the whole Chinese society to protest on streets.
On Monday and Tuesday, hundreds of people gathered outside
to the newspaper agency, including the editorial staff and the network.
Calling for freedom of speech and of the press, the assembly was
the first since 1989, demanding a “democratic system”.

On Monday, people from Guangzhou City spontaneously came
to the Southern Weekly agency to support the “South Weekly”
editorial staff’s action against censorship. They were armed with
yellow chrysanthemum or small placards. They made speeches.
The maximum number of people reached a thousand at times.

Guangzhou freelance writer Ye Du took part in the rally.
He said the atmosphere was quite heart-warming.

[Ye Du, Guangzhou freelance writer]: “Since 1989,
fierce protests of this scale are associated with people’s private interests.
Such as land acquisition, demolition of homes,
and environmental protection etc.
This is the first time to see this kind of political issues and
hear words like these.
People responded so warmly, so you know they are changing."

There has been an ongoing intense struggle between the
Southern Weekly editorial team and senior management.
On Jan. 6th the Southern Weekly official microblog
issued a statement saying that
its New Year special edition cover was drafted by the agency,
but not Tuo Zhen, the Propaganda Minister.
The New Year Message was written by the newspaper editor.

After this announcement, there was an uproar on the network.

The Southern Weekly News Professional Ethics Committee
issued a statement at 2:30am on January 7.
This said the statement released by the senior management
had extremely distorted the facts.
There is a reason to suspect that someone within the agency
cooperated with the Provincial Propaganda Department.
This was an attempt to disrupt public opinion.

An anonymous former Southern Newspaper Group Editor said
the editorial team is engaging in a dialogue with higher levels.

He said: ”It is said that people from the Southern Weekly
had a dialogue with higher levels yesterday.
However, I do not know the results of that.”

Since the 18th Congress, Chinese people cherished a hope for
both constitutional reform and freedom of speech.
But the hard-liner attitude of the Central Propaganda Department
towards the Southern Weekly seems to run opposite to that hope.”

Original Zhong Qing Bao senior editor Li Datong: “Because
this person in charge of ideology and propaganda has not been
replaced, he has been an executioner of freedom of the press.
He walks the same path until new procedures are implemented.
It is pretty ridiculous mentioning of hostile forces etc.”

Xi Jinping has not made a stand for freedom of the press,
and his attitude towards the media is still a mystery.”

The BBC reported that the constitutional reform in China
has been a standstill since 1989.
Intellectuals in the Mainland will speak loudly
after 20 years of suppression.
When any new leader takes office,
he just shows a little relaxation or hints.
Many media people would call for constitutional reform
and freedom of the press.

However, the Bureau Chief of Beijing South China Morning
Post, Huang Zhongqing told the BBC,
that it is rather naïve to cherish any expectation of
the Party’s new leaders.
Any reform will eventually touch the Party’s interests.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is conservative and unwilling to change.
Even if Xi Jinping wants to bring reform,
he will face very strong resistance.

Huang Zhongqing pointed out that the social reality in China
has not allowed the indefinite delay of political reform.
Without reform, the Party is approaching a dead end.
The public, Xi and Li all recognize that.
Constitutional reform comes at a price,
especially the freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Even the most open of the leaders will try to suppress
freedom of the press, which might harm their interests.

The report says that the “Yan Huang Spring Autumn “and
Southern Weekly incidents exposed Xi- Li regime.
It does not want to promote political reform as the public
had expected them to.
But Huang Zhongqing cannot be sure whether the propaganda
department of Guangdong or Beijing was behind this incident.
If the CCP wants to strengthen the overall control of the news
