【禁闻】“孔子学院”有烦恼 扩张遇难题







山东大学退休教授 孙文广:“它用成立这些孔子学院,还有推广孔子,实际上它是想给自己共产思潮做装饰。现在它用孔子学院来起到虚假的装饰作用,所以不被外国所欢迎。另外师资也很缺乏,真正有研究,学术上有水平的那些教师,不愿意去找这个学院任教。”








采访编辑/唐睿 后制/黎安安

Growing Pains for CCP Regime-Funded Confucius Institutes

Recently, Confucius Institutes that have been
established overseas held a national convention.
The Confucius Institute global project is funded
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
China’s media alleged that the Confucius Institute
project has now encountered growing pains.
The head of each Confucius Institute
discussed possible solutions.
What problems is the Confucius Institute facing,
after it has undergone a rapid global expansion?

On December 18, the 7th national convention
of overseas Confucius Institutes ended in Beijing.
The deputies discussed issues on how to achieve local
integration, how to cope with lack of full-time teachers,
and how to achieve sustainable development.

CCP official newspapers said that over years, the
Confucius Institutes have implemented a rotation policy.
This is achieved by dispatching
short-term teachers and volunteers.
The lack of full-time teachers has become a bottleneck
in the development of the Confucius Institute overseas.

Reportedly, some Confucius Institute deputies
admitted that overseas promotion was difficult.
Several Western countries view the Confucius
Institute as a politicized mission of the CCP.
They thus limit its expansion locally, said the news report.

Public data show that the Confucius Institute
is under the administration of Hanban.
This is an organ affiliated with the CCP Ministry of Education.

Li Changchun, the 5th-highest-ranking member of the
Politburo Standing Committee, was quoted in The Economist.
Li stated that the Confucius Institutes were “an important
part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up"

Sun Wenguang, retired professor at Shandong
University, comments on the issue.
A country’s excellent traditional culture will naturally
attract people around the world to go to study it.
But not if a regime vigorously promotes it, and
if it often smacks of political overtones, he says.

Sun Wenguang: “By setting up and promoting
the Confucius Institutes, the regime intends
to cover up its spreading of communism thought.

That’s why Confucius Institutes aren’t welcomed overseas.

A shortage of teachers indicates that the Institutes cannot
attract those teachers with real academic competence."

Jing Chu, freelancer in Guangxi, says that the
Western communities are based on Christian beliefs.
Confucius has been a powerful influence worldwide,

but the CCP regime’s official promotion only indicates
its products must be poor selling.

Jing Chu: “It’s natural that Confucius Institutes
are excluded in a society based on Christianity.
The CCP Confucius Institute project features
safeguarding of authoritarian rule.
And those Confucius Institutes also spread the party culture
to abroad through their education system. It is very deceptive."

The first overseas Confucius Institute
opened in South Korea in 2004.
Since then, 400 Confucius Institutes and over 500
Confucius courses have been set up overseas.
Data show that averagely, in less than three days, an institute
or course would be set up in the name of “the Confucius".

How much money has gone into
the existing Confucius Institutes?
According to Hanban’s 2011 annual report and its official
website information, since 2004, an injection of 500 million
dollars from the CCP regime has been used to set up the
Confucius Institutes worldwide.
In 2009, Li Changchun, one of the former CCP
top leaders, and in charge of propaganda, said that
the Confucius Institute global project is “an important
part of China’s overseas propaganda setup."

Jing Chu: “Each Confucius Institute receives
multimillion dollar injections from CCP regime.
This is a part of the regime’s overseas propaganda
plan to spread CCP’s own culture.
Establishing Confucius Institutes just
creates chances to commit corruption.
Those Western speculators can be offered
money by collaborating with the CCP regime."

In this May, scholar Cai Shenkun commented in his blog.
He asked, “Who is paying for the Confucius Institutes?"
The article said,"Insiders reveal that huge loss is a
common feature of all Confucius Institutes overseas.
These losses have many causes, with the most prevalent
being lack of transparent operations and financial conditions.
Thus, on one hand, the Confucius Institute
project has become a bottomless pit.
On the other, it has turned into an ATM for officials of the
Education Ministry to wantonly withdraw foreign currencies.”

Jing Chu indicates that shabby makeshift school
buildings are commonly found across China.
So many children cannot afford education.

The CCP has squandered in the world to create a disguise
for its rule, while disregarding the Chinese people.
Jing Chu remarks that the CCP regime is utterly immoral.
