【禁闻】扩大城镇化 再次牺牲农民 蕴大祸














采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Farmers having to sacrifice land for expanding urbanization
triggered a big reaction

Over the past two days the Chinese Communism Central
Economic Conference made it clear that economic work will start with “urbanization" next year.
Experts say, since the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) came
to power, Chinese farmers became second-class citizens.
While China’s economy is facing social conflicts everywhere,
now the regime wants to expand urbanization.
This will cause the farmers to lose their land which they rely on.

Again farmers will face the challenge of surviving.
Thus, more social contradictions are intensified.

CCP Premier Li Keqiang said in training for provincial officials,

“the huge potential of China’s urbanization will bring the most
power and lasting motivation for economic growth.”

Chinanews reported that experts stated on Dec 16th that new
urbanization is positioned as a growth point in China’s economy.
It will also be the important starting point
for next year’s economic work.

Gong Shengli, principal researcher of
“Internal References Of National Conditions” pointed out,
this initiative of the CCP once again changed the
non-renewable resources of the land to more money; and sacrificed the interests of farmers.
Farmers who are already facing enormous
economic pressures.

Gong Shengli: “The government bought the farmers’ land
for thousands of yuan per acre, or tens of thousands of yuan.
After urbanization, for real estate, it is about a few thousands
to tens of thousands of yuan per square meter.
The CCP repeatedly scrambled to buy land, and the previous
one acre of farmland changed into urban land.
This made it worth many hundreds or thousands of times more."

Gong Shengli pointed out that the CCP government changed
the farmers land into urban land, leaving the farmers nothing.

Gong Shengli: “How could the farmers survive
without lands? This is the most critical issue.
The 2013 economic conference is using a Chinese spear
to poke a Chinese shield.
After the farmers lost their land, and went barefoot into the city,
what will they do? What can you do?"

Li Keqiang also said at the meeting that urbanization increase
will bring a rapid increase in investment and consumption.
However, Chen Zhifei, a professor of Economics in New York
City University believes expanding urbanization is a way for
Li Keqiang to narrow the gap between rich and poor and change
the downturn in the property market, but it’s an illusion.

Professor Chen Zhifei: “For the floating population, less than
1% bought houses, resulting in more wasting of resources.
More money may be wasted in some superficially
outstanding projects.
However the rural population could not find a job in the city,
their children could not go to school.
Related projects could not reach exptected results. The residential
population will have dissatisfaction, causing even more conflicts."

Chen Zhifei said, the gap between rich and poor in China
had reached a level of deformed economics.
Becoming totally dependent on foreign aid like in Africa.

The privileged class grabbed national resources and
people’s wealth in the name of reform and opening up.
This gap will only expand as long as the CCP exists.

It is only an illusion to narrow the gap between
the rich and the poor by expanding urbanization.

Chen Zhifei: “If you want them to boost domestic demand,
it is only a dream.
These migrant workers, or people who just walk into the city,
cannot buy those expensive luxuries like more properties.
Or squander state treasures, or go on sightseeing tours, or
take mistresses like CCP officials to expand domestic demand."

The Gini index is a measurement of income distribution of
a country’s residents to define the gap between rich and poor.
Zero equals perfect balance of income distribution.

Excluding the recessive capital of Chinese dignitaries, the Gini
index representing social justice has exceeded 0.6 in China.
This is much higher than the bottom line of
the United Nations of 0.4.
According to Chen’s study, China’s Gini index
has been ranked in the top ten in the world.

Experts believe that, if not expanding urbanization,
the gap between rich and poor will grow in China.
This has already threatened the CCP’s ruling status.

But urbanization may cause a series of problems
for the landless peasants;
in the process of urbanization, the privileged class will
plunder the people further, so a deeper crisis is hidden.
