【禁闻】十八大三代同堂 新领导人暗箭难防













采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

CCP Regime’s Political Reform Hardly Expected

The world’s attention is focused on the opening ceremony
of the18th Party Congress.
A group of retired Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders
appeared at the ceremony.
The spotlight was on Jiang Zemin, former CCP
General Secretary.
Commentators say that Hu Jintao used Jiang
to hint at his “reign behind a curtain” to Xi Jinping.
Analysts think that the CCP Congress shows that
its new leader team is subject to obvious political restraint.
Therefore, China is not expected to see real political reforms.

Wu Bangguo chaired the opening ceremony of
the 18th Party Congress.
Members of the 17th Party Congress Politburo and
of its Standing Committee attended the conference.
The retired CCP veterans present included Jiang Zemin,
Zhu Rongji, Li Peng, Li Ruihuan and Song Ping.

Critic Meng Yuanpei: “It’s like going back to the era under
Deng Xiaoping’s Central Advisory Commission.
This is a political regression in China to
form a “politics of the elderly”.
In this way, the Party’s veterans have passed down power
and nominated the new generation of leadership.
All CCP leaders were not elected. The “politics of the elderly”
is unusual compared to democratic politics.”

Nearly all retired CCP leaders showed up
at the 18th Congress.
86-year-old Jiang Zemin moved into the spotlight,
Hu walked alongside while another supported his arm.
Just as he did at the 17th Party Congress five years ago,
Jiang peeked askew at the waitress pouring tea.

Critic Wang Beiji comments on the CCP power transition.

He said that in a democratic state, once the new leader is
elected, the ex-leader will leave the position after job handover.
From then on, his identity is just a former leader.

This is in a sharp contrast to CCP retired leaders,
who consumed public wealth through their privileges.
Further, they intervene in the incumbent CCP leaders’ work.

Wang Beiji describes the 18th congress as just like
a family party at which all three generations were present.

Wang Beiji: “All these elderly don’t know about self respect,
still lingering on the political stage.
This is really unnatural behavior, in the eyes of
Chinese living in democratic countries.
We just feel sad for our Chinese fellow citizens, as these
elderly, at such an old age, still jostle to grab power.”

On its opening ceremony, CCP General Secretary
Hu Jintao delivered a 1.5-hour report.
The BBC reviewed that Hu had used the report
to cement his position inside the CCP.

Critic Meng Yuanpei says, CCP veterans’ group show-up
actually shows they fear ending up with punishment.
This is because that CCP leader appointment never goes
through democratic election.
The Party’s new leadership team unwillingly
obeys the predecessor.
Yet, the predecessor refused to truly step down, and
wanted to dominate the successor, Meng Yuanpei remarks.

Meng Yuanpei: “Those CCP leaders, including Hu Jintao,
Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang, all wanted to retire but remain in office.
Because once they completely step down, their main concerns
are not only the power, but also their personal safety.
They know that one day, they’ll be brought to justice for
all crimes they have committed in office.
So they just tried so hard to stay in office,
for they don’t trust their successors."

Meng Yuanpei adds that the 18th Party Congress
was heavily power dominated.
This authoritarian ruling may be turned into warlord politics,
as it never sets up game rules.

Meng Yuanpei: “Now the CCP top level is busy with
bloody infighting. Who gives up, that’s who will be sacrificed.
That’s why Jiang Zemin and his men
desperately intervened.
They don’t trust the faction under Hu Jintao.

For example, they attempted to suppress Wen Jiabao’s vigor,
to hold down Wang Yang and Ling Jihua.
They feared that these people, once in power,
will launch reform which will directly threaten their power and even their lives."

Political observers remarked that CCP new leader Xi Jinping
is now subject to too many “backstage rulers".
In the future, it is the restrained Xi, who will have to
secure the CCP, as well as vested interest groups.
Therefore, commentaries do not expect that Xi will
satisfy the populace on their much-anticipated political reform.
