【禁闻】18大逼近 习近平汪洋联手挺胡温









时事评论员任百鸣:“外界纷纷比较期待,可能他会做为纪委书记的角色然后出现,所以他现在大谈党纪,大谈各个方面的建设,实际上这都是纪委 抓的一部分,这是这样的一个情况,同时,他也借此呼吁,实际上是让各地做好表态,就是现在要跟党中央一致,意思就是要跟胡温保持一致。”





“中国社会民主党”中央委员会主持人 刘因全:“汪洋也好,习近平也好,他们都是为了来改革共产党,在共产党体制之内,来进行改革,然后,使中国出现一个他们理想的一个景象,还是要救党,救他们的党,只不过,他们采用了一个特殊的办法。”


采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

18th National Congress Approaches: Wang Yang and Xi Jinping Cooperate to Support Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
18th National Congress will take place soon.
Wang Yang, the CCP Secretary of Guangdong Province
emphasized publicly the need to strengthen the party spirit.
There is a need to strengthen discipline on August 28.

Wang’s words are in accordance with Vice President
Xi Jinping, who delivered a speech on August 24.
Xi Jinping advocated to strengthen building the party.

Analysts think this cooperation between Wang Yang
and Xi Jinping is to build their political future.
It is also to support Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

According to international media, Xi Jinping emphasized
the need to build the party in a meeting on August 24.

Reports also said that Wang Yang supports
the Guangdong Communist Youth League to reform and strengthen the connection with society.

On the afternoon of August 28, Wang Yang
attended a provincial level training course.
He emphasized officials need to strengthen the party spirit.
There is a need to take more care with discipline,
and prepare to give stronger support to speeding up reform.
This is to build a “happy Guangdong”.

Wang Yang is 57 years old, and he started his political life
in Anhui as a member of the Communist Youth League.
He is thought to have a close relationship
with Hu Jintao, the top leader of CCP.
He is also thought to be a powerful candidate
to enter the Politburo Standing Committee.

Political commentator Wang Beiji thinks that from
many indications, Xi Jinping and Wang Yang have reached some kind of understanding.
It is also clear that both of them
support Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

Wang Beiji: “They certainly have a common understanding.

Under these understandings, they delivered similar
messages, in different places and at different times.
From the point of view of global trends and modern
societies politics, Wang and Xi are more open minded, compared with other CCP officials.
But their opinions are still very out of date.”

Commentator Ren Baiming analyzed Wang Yang’s speech.

Ren thinks that Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao
are doing the groundwork to help Wang Yang to enter the Politburo Standing Committee.

Ren Baiming: ”The outside is anticipating.

Maybe Wang Yang will take the position
of Secretary of Central Discipline Commission.
That is the reason why he talked
about discipline and party building.
These are under the charge of the Discipline Commission.
He may also urge all officials in different areas
to proclaim their support to the CCP Central Committee,
which means to support Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.”

Ren Baiming also speculated that Wang Yang acted in this
way in order to save himself, that is, to pacify the people.

Ren Baiming: “Wang Yang will launch reforms
which are focused on pacifying the people.
Such as the reform of the Communist Youth League,
and continually testing reform in Guangdong.
These were initiated by Wang Yang,
which is in order to save himself.
Now the CCP is also aware of the crisis.
It will die if doesn’t reform. It’s also a solution to pacify the people.”

Wang Yang stressed in his speech that strict political
discipline is the bottom line of each CCP official.
Discipline is described as a ‘Magic Formula’,
which are words taken from the Money King.
Discipline is like a power line for CCP officials,
in that if you touch it, you will die.

Liu Yinquan, Leader of the Chinese Social Democratic Party
Central Committee said that
the fundamental purpose of Wang Yang and Xi Jinping
is supporting Hu-Wen.
It is to save the dying CCP dictatorship. But the fact that
the CCP will fade into history cannot be changed.

Liu Yinquan: “No matter whether it’s Wang Yang
or Xi Jinping, their reform policy is reform within the CCP.
No matter what the result is,
they still want to save the party.
The only difference is that they are
trying to use a special solution.”

Soon after the Beidaihe Meeting, Premier
Wen Jiabao took his 16th trip to Guangdong.
This action was understood as supporting Wang Yang
to enter the Politburo Standing Committee.
