











采访编辑/刘惠 后制/薛莉

Why Changes at Yangcheng Newspaper Group

On July 16, “New Express”, part of the Yangcheng Evening
Newspaper Group has experienced large internal changes.
The newspaper has had substantial revisions, withdrawing
domestic news, international news and commentary pages.
On the same day, they held a meeting
to announce the editor-in-chief transferring.
In addition to the purging of “New Express”,
Southern Metropolis Daily has also been downsized.
Observers believe that the changes in the Guangdong
newspaper group reflects infighting at high-level of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) before
the 18th National People’s Congress (NPC).

On July 16, “New Express” substantially revised
it’s layout. It went from print size A3 to A22.
It’s pages were news from the Pearl River Delta
in Guangzhou. The rest were financial and sports news.
The daily commentary page, two to four pages of China news,
and two to three international news in the original have all disappeared.

An employee of “New Express” revealed on a microblog
that they received a chief editor’s office notification.
“From now on, no news outside of Guangdong province
will be reported, even telephone interviews.
All domestic and international news pages are cancelled.
Views Weekly and Avenue magazine are cancelled.
In-depth commentary cannot involve domestic news,
no matter whether they are positive or negative comments."

On the same day, the newspaper office held a meeting
to announce that the editor in chief, Lu Fumin
was transferred to director of political news
at Yangcheng Evening News.
The president Li Yihang is acting as editor-in-chief.
Lu Fumin also confirmed his leaving on his microblog.
“…happy to work with the New Express. But based on work
requirements, from today, I will return to the political news office of Yangcheng Evening News."

The purging of the New Express could be directly caused
by a replication of the Jinan Daily article.
‘Years as Educated Youth of the Members of the
Central Political Bureau’, according to microblogs.
This story involves many members of the CCP Central
Political Bureau, who had been educated in their youth.
This includes top 18th NPC candidates, like Xi Jinping,
Li Keqiang, Wang Qishan, Li Yuanchao and Zhang Dejiang.

Chinese Studies expert Zhao Yuanming: “It doesn’t matter.

It is a news organization, so it could do some speculation,
or preliminary investigation of something going to happen.
At this very moment, the high-level are purging it.
It is actually a reflection of high-level fighting in the CCP.”

Aside from the New Express, Guangzhou readers left
a message on a microblog on the same day on Southern Metropolis Daily.
“The commentary edition has only four pages
remaining, which is horrible."
On its electronic versions, readers could
not find the whole Review Weekly.
An insider said on the microblog: “Just look at the New
Express, then you could understand all.”

Radio France Internationale said it has confirmed that

the command to make the changes was issued
by the CCP Guangdong Provincial Propaganda Department.
In early May, Tuo Zhen, Vice President of Xinhua News
Agency from Beijing took over as Minister of Guangdong Provincial Propaganda Department.
This replaced Lin Xiong, former
Secretary of Premier Wen Jiabao.

China expert Zhao Yuanming commented that the changes
to the New Express reflect CCP leadership infighting.

Zhao Yuanming: “Wang Yang belongs
to the democratic reform faction.
He is the provincial party secretary in the people’s mind.
To do some tricks in propaganda to embarrass him,
to expect some influence and change the political situation,
is a method used consistently within the CCP struggles."

On the afternoon of July 17, Liu Ziyu, an in-depth investigative
reporter for the New Express, sent a message on a microblog.
China News, international news and commentary
pages will be back to normal in publication.
Its official microblogging immediately
forwarded this message.
