

台北《中央社》消息,英国“金融时报”(Financial Times)中文网,27号刊登德国籍“哈佛商学院”研究员柯克-魏兹尔(IacobKoch-Weser)撰写的“林书豪何以征服美国?”专文。








鞠宾:“他不真正理解篮球到底是干什么的,打篮球并不是我真正热爱篮球,只不过是利用篮球,我跳离一个什么什么状态,我可以有钱,作为一个跳板,中国很多的运动员都是这样的, 所以你看他打球的时候,他两眼发呆,就是跟你人搞,跟你斗,但是他并不热爱。”








Will China Produce Someone Like Jeremy Lin?

New NBA star Jeremy Lin’s continuing “Linsanity”
is thought provoking.
What made this not-so-tall basketball player outstanding?

There are many excellent athletes in Mainland China,
yet why has such a talent not appeared?
Lin’s deep faith in God and the miracles this faith has brought
has inspired people to re-define the qualities of a “celebrity”.
People must reflect on atheism and the philosophy of struggle
brought forth by communism,
and the disastrous consequences the communist hatred
towards the divine has caused.

According to a report by Taipei’s Central News Agency,
Financial Times UK’s Chinese site published an article
by a German researcher in the Harvard Business School,
IacobKoch-Weser, titled How Did Jeremy Lin Conquer U.S.?

IacobKoch-Weser says many NBA athletes have
messy lifestyles, curse often and are covered in tattoos.
Lin’s life story is like his attitude: dedicated,
never surrendering, working hard and doing a good job.

Canadian basketball coach, Ju Bin,
was a former professional basketball player in China.
He said Jeremy Lin has nothing to do with Mainland China,
although he is an ethnic Chinese.
Jeremy Lin’s parents came from Taiwan
but he is very different from children in China.
Jeremy grew up in the U.S.
He has his belief and knows what he needs.

Ju Bin also says the sport system is like a machine
under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
To see whether someone can play basketball,
The CCP will need to measure the parents’ height.
If Lin had been born in China, he may not have had a chance
to be a professional basketball player.

Ju Bin thinks sport is a hobby and a personal choice,
but the CCP turns sport into politics.
Under the big banner of competing for the country’s fame,
the coach can decide who will have an opportunity to play,
who will become a champion, who will give up,
and who will play false games.
As a result, athletes do not have a sense of responsibility,
as they cannot make their own decisions.

Ju Bin: “The CCP is the most corrupt in the world.
Sport is controlled by the government in China.
Sport should belong to the private sector,
but it has become a machine to serve the country.
If you do not listen, I (the CCP) will destroy you.
In the U.S., who dares to do so? Everyonemust be respected.
We want to see the true heroes who are truly capable.”

Jeremy Lin graduated with a Harvard economics degree.

He did not search for a job in the economic area,
but chose to pursue his basketball hobby.

Ju Bin says Chinese athletes are lazy out of the practice court.
Athletes use basketball as a tool for gaining money and fame.

Ju Bin: “He does not really understand what basketball is.

They play basketball not because they love it,
but use basketball as a springboard for making money.
Many Chinese athletes are like that.
You can see when they play their eyes are numb.
They play with people and engage in fighting,
but do not love the sport.”

Ju Bin says nowadays Chinese coaches inherit a style
which has been passed down for 30 years.
Coaches use methods such as scolding, ridiculing, etc.,
killing people’s love for sport.

Lin says when external factors interfere with his thoughts,
he thinks about God and focuses on the basketball.
Lin feels that God is helping him and plays beyond his ability.

Ju Bin also feels that when someone focuses on one thing and
does it with love, it can reach the effect beyond normal abilities.

Ju Bin: “You need to build a good relationship
with the basketball when you play. You need to take care of it.
When you take good care of it, the basketball will
produce a sense of intimacy with you.
For example, when the ball does not listen to you,
when you dribble or shoot, the ball is disobedient.
When you love it, the ball becomes obedient.
This is the sense of playing ball.”

Chinese historian Li Yuanhua thinks the CCP destroyed
people’s morals and traditional values.
Chinese nowadays only look at money and fame,
and take chances and engage in dishonest tricks to hurt others.
The whole society, not only basketball, is in a vicious cycle.
Those who follow the normal path have no market.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Xiao Yan
