
【新唐人北京時間2018年06月24日訊】香港女藝人吳雨霏日前(19日)為老公洪立熙產下愛兒,今(24)日在社群網站曬出「大手握小手」的照片,並公佈寶寶名字為Asher ,意思是快樂和祝福。

她透露生產過程歷時10幾個小時:「生命真的很奇妙,從我肚子裡養育了9個月,然後搏鬥了10幾個小時後第一眼看到他, 我知道我們的生命從此就不一樣。很想在這裡特別謝謝醫生和醫院的護士,從生產過程到出院一刻都好好的照顧我和BB,辛苦你們了!」

遲來的報到,大家好,我叫做Asher! 謝謝大家的祝福!❤️ Asher的意思是快樂和祝福,他就是天父爸爸送給我們最珍貴的禮物。 生命真的很奇妙,從我肚子裡養育了9個月,然後搏鬥了10幾個小時後第一眼看到他, 我知道我們的生命從此就不一樣。 很想在這裡特別謝謝醫生和醫院的護士,從生產過程到出院一刻都好好的照顧我和BB 辛苦你們了! Hello my name is Asher ❤️ Asher means happy and blessed. Thank you so much for all the love. He is indeed the greatest blessing from GOD! After nine months of nurturing, growing, and keeping him safe, we thank God for bringing this precious little gift safely into this world! We are starting a brand new journey and our lives are forever changed. Special thanks to my doctor and all the nurses at the hospital for taking good care of me throughout the birth process. We are home! Blessings, Kary & Brian

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吳雨霏 (@ngk) on Jun 23, 2018 at 10:07pm PDT
