【禁聞】中共審計報告出爐 問題僅冰山一角














採訪編輯/田淨 後製/鍾元

China Financial Audit Reports Exposed
Public Funds Embezzlement.

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) released its
2013 annual audit report on the budget execution.

This included audits of other financial revenue and
expenditures of Central Government departments.

The report reveals issues such as undue gains, and making
money together.

The responsible parties are social organizations and contacts
of the Ministry of Housing, Urban-Rural Development, the
Ministry of Land Resources, with ongoing fund collection
and budget approval in the Central Government.

Some commentators believe these problems are
just the tip of the iceberg.

On June 24, Auditor General Liu Jiayi made a speech about
the 2013 Audit Report on the State Council’s Budget actions
and Other Financial Revenue and Expenditure of the
CCP Central Government."

He was speaking at a meeting of the Standing Committee
of 12th National People’s Congress of the CCP.

The report said, by the end of 2013, 13 ministries utilized
administrative influences to obtain a total income of 2.975
billion RMB using illegal fees, charges for appraisals without
approval, charges for offering information etc

These included the CCP’s Central Government teams from
Health and Family Planning Commission;

The Ministry of Land Resources; the Ministry of Housing and
Urban Construction Department and so on.

These are in charge of 35 social organizations
and 61 affiliated institutions.

The report mentions that over 16 million RMB “funds
for supporting poverty " were personally appropriated.

The tracking audit on the affordable housing projects
in urban areas showed that 38 institutions defrauded
1.541 billion RMB, funds meant for reconstructing
shanty buildings in cities.

237 projects or institutions illegally diverted 7.829 billion
RMB funds meant for affordable housing programs.

Beijing “Conditions Reference" Chief Researcher Mr Gong
Shengli, “I interpret from this report that the Ministry of
Housing has greatly violated the funds. China now faces
issues of laws, using the government’s own words.”

Regarding the using of three key public funds (overseas travel
expenses, meal costs, and car costs), Liu Jiayi was shocked.

14 Departments and 54 subordinate institutions violated the
regulations by spending 32.3 million RMB on overseas travel.

Cheng Yuen is a Professor of Economics
at Ball State University of Indiana in the US.

He says “this is something never seen in the past; spending
three key public funds to take public money to buy a car, for
entertaining guests, and travel overseas. It is very difficult to
kill the phenomenon in the short term.

Once there is a policy issued from the upper levels,
then there will be countermeasures in the lower levels.

Unless all civil servants are replaced, how will it be possible
for them to hand over their own vested interests?"

Liu Jiayi also revealed the audit identified 7 state-owned
enterprises (SOE) administered by the Central Government
violated the regulations by paying a total of 1.161 million
RMB through excessive pay raises and overpaying salaries.

Paying housing funds and other welfares was revealed too.

On June 16, the Audit Commission released a report on 21
component projects for “Transporting Electricity from the
West to East" Project, showing over 6.6 billion problematic
funds and 3.439 billion tender related funds;

They were diverting 819 million into the interest-correlated

Over-estimating the cost of 1.044 billion of the investment;

Taking 1.381 billion construction funds for injecting into
“individual institution’s small treasuries".

Major issues were also spotted during auditing 2012 financial
statements of PetroChina, China Resources and other SOEs.

Gong Shengli “SOEs administrated by the Central
Government have huge power.

This means they can decide a lot by themselves.

So they have the the power of deciding
how to spend the funds.

The violations are revealed through checks, and identifying

But without investigation and audits, who would know
their violations? “

Mr Zhang Jian is a China social problem researcher now
living in the US.

He believes that the audit results reported
by the CCP are just a tip of the iceberg.

Mr Zhang Jian “because the CCP operates as a referee
as well as a performer, they produce the gaming rules.

Making sure they become the biggest gainer
under their own rules.

I believe the reported audit results are also a whitewash,
and the actual situation might be far more.

When the CCP could no longer hide these problems, then
very limited problems will be allowed to be published."

Zhang Jian believes that in developed countries this public
funds embezzlement don’t happen because of monitoring
and watchdog roles of the media, public opinion, the votes
of the people, and the rule of law.

These are all to promote social harmony and stability.
Zhang Jian says that as long as the CCP still rules China,
then embezzlement and corruptions around public
spending are all impossible to eradicate.

Interview & Edit/TianJing Post-Production/ZhongYuan
