



美國政府一位不具名的高級官員日前透露,美國政府正考慮限制給中國的黑客發放簽證,以阻止他們出席今年8月在拉斯維加斯舉行的「黑客大會」(Def Con)和「黑帽子大會」(Black Hat)。












採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/李勇

U.S. Bans Chinese Hackers Attending Conference

Following the indictment of five Chinese military hackers
stealing trade secrets and financial intelligence, Washington is
considering using visa restrictions to prevent Chinese hackers
from attending two international hacker conferences this August.

On May 19, the U.S. Justice Department charged five hackers
from the Chinese military unit 61398 with hacking into five
U.S. companies and a union to steal trade secrets between
2006 and 2014.

This is the first official accusation of the Chinese military
engaging in cyber espionage from the U.S. government.

A senior administration official said Saturday, that Washington
is considering using visa restrictions to prevent Chinese
nationals from attending popular summer hacking conferences,
Def Con and Black Hat, in Las Vegas.

Reuters reported that preventing Chinese nationals from
attending popular summer hacking conferences is part of a
broader effort to curb Chinese cyber espionage.

However, organizers of the two conferences believe limiting
participation from China would have little impact, since
hacking talks from both conferences are videotaped and sold
on DVDs or posted on the web.

Li Shanjia, China issue commentator: “The significance of the
act is to emphasize that the U.S. will continue watching out
for the cyber espionage issue."

Zhang Jian, China social issue researcher: “It will be effective
for the U.S. government to refuse visas to known hackers.
However, it would be hard to conduct comprehensive and
effective measures to eliminate all hackers.
Technically, it will be very difficult.
The hackers the U.S. is tackling now are just the tip of the

New York Times revealed that as well as the indictment
that dealt almost exclusively with Unit 61398, there are also cases
against another roughly 20 Chinese hacking groups that attacked
government agencies and companies.
Some of these hacking groups are associated with the
Communist military.

It is reported that Chinese Army Unit 61398 is now the most
infamous of China’s suspected hacking groups, and the
Western cybersecurity industry variously calls it the
Shanghai Group and APT1.
According to a report by Mandiant, a cybersecurity company,
the 61398 has allegedly stolen massive information from
150 U.S. organizations and tried to manipulate critical
infrastructure in the U.S.

Joe Stewart, a cybersecurity expert, said that as of last year,
the Shanghai Group and the Beijing Group were using 25,000
suspicious online domains he had been tracking.
The Beijing Group, he said, used a dedicated block of I.P.
addresses that could be traced to the Chinese capital and to
the network of China Unicom, one of the three biggest
state-owned Internet telecommunications companies,
reported NY Times.

The targets pursued by the Shanghai Group and the Beijing
Group overlap — both go after foreign corporations and
government agencies, for example — but the Beijing unit also
takes aim at “activist types", Mr. Stewart said, including ethnic
Tibetan and Uighur exile groups.

NY Times reported that officials say one of these privately
contracted groups, based in Guangzhou, China, has been tied
to attacks against defense contractors — including missile,
satellite and space technologies and nuclear propulsion
technology developers — in the United States, Britain and
More recently, two officials said that the group has expanded
its targets to include law firms, which hold valuable intellectual
property for their clients but often lack the security defenses of
a larger corporation.

Zhang Jian: “At the CCP’s behest, these hackers have stolen a
large amount of information from the U.S. operations,
commercial, and high-tech.
As for individuals, the CCP steal large amounts of personal
information to enable its suppression and arrest of dissidents,
activists, and people of religions.
That is the reason why the Chinese hackers and the
exploitation of the hackers by the CCP have become of
genuine concern to the U.S. and the general public."

WSJ reported that the Obama administration is considering a
raft of options to confront China more aggressively over
cyberspying, officials say.
Options include exposing evidence of cyberspying from
Chinese hackers, indictment of Chinese nationals and
organizations in U.S. courts and trade sanctions.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Chen Jie Post-Production/Li Yong
