



《柳葉刀》報告中負責中國部分的撰稿人,是美國「哈佛醫學院」的教授保羅•高思(Paul Goss)。他指出,中國的癌症患者很多,但對於如何改善造成癌症的一些主要因素,例如醫療資源不足、分配不均衡,以及公眾對這一疾病的誤解等等,卻不在當政者的議事日程上。



陸軍:「曾經有調查顯示,在政府投入的公共醫療開支當中,80% 用於了黨政幹部、公務員的醫療開支。真正用到了民眾身上的只有20%。」


此外,大陸民間空氣污染專家、「時尚環保聯盟」理事長陳景也對《新唐人》表示 ,中國大陸目前的水污染、空氣污染等,已經到了非常嚴重的地步,而要治理起來又非常的難。







採訪/易如 編輯/李謙 後製/李智遠

The Lancet: China Facing a Serious Cancer Crisis

In recent years, China’s pollution has been worsening as
the shocking existence of “cancer villages" were reported
one after another.
The Lancet, a world-leading medical journal, published a
recent report warning China is facing a serious cancer crisis.

On April 11, the famous British medical journal Lancet
published a report in its Oncology Issue.
The article, written by over 40 leading world cancer experts
warns that China is facing huge economic and human costs
from the disease.

The study shows cancer now accounts for one in every five
deaths in China, second only to cardiovascular disease.
Among those cancers cases, 60% are linked with smoking
and environmental factors such as water contamination
and air pollution.

Paul Goss, a Harvard Medical School professor, is the leading
author of the Chinese study.
There are a large number of cancer patients in China,
Goss said.
He continued: “Some of the main factors responsible for the
huge burden of this disease, such as insufficient, unevenly
distributed health care resources and public misconceptions
about cancer are barely visible on China’s national agenda."

Lu Jun, Director of Yirenping Center, Non-profit body for
Public Health: “Firstly, health care resources are insufficient.
That is because through all these years, the Chinese
Communist Party, (CCP) ran the health care system as a
business that makes money for them.
So we are in serious shortage of economic input
into this field."

According to a BBC report, China’s current health care
expenditure is about 5.1% of its annual GDP, only about
half of that in European countries.

What’s more, only 0.1% of the money is used
in cancer issues.
Therefore most Chinese cancer patients have to
pay for medical costs by themselves.

Lu Jun:"Previous statistics show that 80% of the CCP’s
health care expenditure goes to party officials and
governmental employees.
Only 20% is used on ordinary Chinese civilians."

Lu Jun, said the CCP did not do its duty in offering health
education and tips to the Chinese.
There is very limited access to knowledge about health care;
Chinese people can only see excessive false drug advertising.

Chen Jing, Chinese air pollution expert and president of
Fashion Environmental Protection Alliance (FEPA), told NTD
that China’s water and air pollution had become extremely
serious but solving the problem is simply equally difficult.

Chen Jing, President of FEPA:"Big decisions have to be made.
Companies with heavy pollution such as cement plants and
steelworks have to be shut down.
So after all, it depends on how the CCP treats the issue.
Which is more important to the party,
environment or GDP growth?"

Over years, the CCP has been seeking GDP growth over
anything else, and ignored control over pollution and food
and drug safety.

This has lead to worse living conditions for all Chinese.

For example, hazes were frequently seen across the country
in recent years, and have been worsening over time.
Beijing has become famous as “the haze city".

Breathing masks have became the most popular
item in the city.

There have been more reports about how the CCP
intentionally hides the truth or plays for time on
pollution issues.

For example, the water supply of Lanzhou, the capital of
Gansu province, was contaminated by oil leaks recently.
It was reported that the municipal government announced
the leaks 18 hours after dangerous levels of Benzene were
found in the water supply.

Lu Jun commented that, besides natural pollution in air and
water, China’s social environment is also getting worse.
Many problems are deepening, such as social injustice,
unfair adjudication and polarization between rich and poor.

Lu Jun:"As a result, Chinese civilians are put into a bad
mental condition with anxiety, depression and resentment.
Of course human will more easily get cancer in
such a situation."

The Lancet’s report also mentioned that, China’s cancer
deaths now account for one fourth of all cancer-related
mortalities in the world.

Interview/Yi Ru Edit/Li Qian Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
