【禁聞】大陸遊客惹眾怒 官方法規遭無視







田先生:「中國遊客一眼就看出來是中國遊客,因為中國遊客的眼神啊、氣質啊、還有這個衣服著裝方面啊,看得就很明顯,比那個日本和韓國的就差了兩個檔次。中國人說話比較大聲,要是遠一點的話,就喊上了,可是我到現在為止這麼長時間了,我沒有聽到過別的國家的人喊。有的時候,(中國大陸)遊客和小商小販就對罵起來了,這種情況在景點見到很多次了。 」




採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/鍾元

Uncivilized Chinese Tourists Provoke Outrage Abroad

In recent years, many Chinese tourists are traveling abroad,
but their uncivilized behavior is increasingly being criticized
by foreign countries, with many ranking Chinese people as
“the most unwelcome tourists".
The authorities in China are also losing face due to it.

To curb it before China’s week-long holiday, the regime issued
dozens of pages of travel rules, but to little avail.
Scholars say that the Chinese Communist Party’s destruction
of morality, traditional culture, and people’s faiths,
has ruined today’s Chinese people.

If the moral standards can’t be restored, no matter how many
rules are created, it still won’t work.

Before Oct. 1, a week-long national holiday in China,
the tourism Bureau issued a 64-page travel guide.
It gives points of advice to people who plan to travel abroad.

The guide drew international attention,
with many overseas media having reported on the issue.
Many people outside China say they can’t understand the guide.

For example, the guide says, “don’t pick your nose in public,
don’t pee in swimming pools, don’t steal utensils
or life jackets on airplanes, don’t leave footprints
on toilet seats, remember to flush toilets after use,
don’t spit on the floor, don’t butt in a lineup,
don’t fight with others for taking pictures, etc."

For Western people, even a child knows they should
comply with these basic standards.
Western people don’t understand why China
officially issues these guides.
As they don’t know that in China, people live
in this kind of environment and get used to it.

Mr. Tian, volunteer newspaper distributor at Grand Palace,
Thailand: “Chinese tourists really behave badly.
They litters everywhere and don’t bother to find a trash bin.

When kids can’t find a toilet, parents help them pee on the road.
Once, they even did it on the sidewalk.
Chinese tourists think this is normal.
It’s happened everywhere, and it becomes their daily habits;
it is not an isolated incident."

In recent years, people living outside China
have been finding Chinese tourists’ bad behavior unbearable.
More and more media have reported
that Chinese people are impolite and crude.
The toilets in Thailand’s Grand Palace have signs in Chinese
that read: “Please flush the toilet after use".
Some countries put signs in Chinese
on public trash bins, reading: “Dispose of trash here".

In people’s eyes, Chinese tourists are uncivilized,
and they are even often ranked as “the worst tourists."

Mr. Tian: “Chinese tourists can be identified easily.
From expression in their eyes,
their temperament, dress and so on.
They are far worse than Japanese and Koreans.
Chinese people talk loud, they shout to
each other from a distance.

I have lived here for long enough,
I hardly hear anyone shout like that here.
Sometimes Chinese tourists even argue with merchants.
I’ve seen it many times at tourist sites."

Although the travel guides was published,
Chinese tourists didn’t change at all.
Many shameful uncivilized incidents are still frequently heard.

Chinese cultural critic Ye Kuangzheng says
Chinese people’s uncivilized behaviors reflect
that they lack of common sense.

A few simple rules can’t change them.

Ye Kuangzheng: “An important reason is that a revolutionist,
or Marxist, style of communication and education
was implemented for the first 30 years after 1949.

'Revolutionaries don’t care about details!', as they tell it.
In the following 30 years, the values’ standard
is simply based on two things: Money and power."

Ye Kuangzheng says that Chinese custom, traditional culture,
Confucian culture and religion were decimated by the CCP.
In addition, the deprival of rights to the freedom of expression
and communication has completely overturned
Mainland Chinese people’s moral standards and values,
causing the Chinese people’s overall quality to decline.
