【禁聞】《臺商出逃》 揭大陸臺商「送肉飼虎」














採訪/陳漢 編輯/張天宇 後製/李智遠

Taiwanese Businessmen Escape from China

Recently, a new book titled Taiwanese Businessmen Escape
was launched in Taipei, Taiwan’s capital.
This book was jointly compiled by Taiwanese businessmen
whose were persecuted while investing in China. The book is widely welcomed.
It compiles true stories of Taiwanese investors who
have been persecuted in China by officials and businessmen.
Readers are saying people must learn of these shocking stories,
which are only a small portion of the 28,000 known cases.

The full name of Taiwanese Businessmen Escape is
Taiwanese Businessmen Escape! Way out? After Leaving China.
It was originally intended to tell the misfortunes of Taiwanese
businessman, Gao Weibang, during his dealings with China,
where he ran into pitfalls with run-of-the-mill swindlers
and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.
More victims joined him to publicly expose the persecutions
they experienced when they invested in China.

Gao Weibang, chairman of the Victims of Investment in China
Association, author of Taiwanese Businessmen Escape:
“After this book was published, more victims contacted us.
As many as hundreds of cases were collected. We then
formed this Victims of Investment in China Association
to continue track other cases and compile them into a book."

Taiwan Caring China Human Rights League director,
Yang Xianhong, said that upon reading the book,
the details of persecution are frightening and unbearable.

If it could be made into a television drama,
it would surely get good ratings.

Gao Weibang says that most of the victims were
attracted to China by the CCP’s so-called ‘Investment’ trick.
They mistakenly believed in mainland China’s promises.
Yet once the funds and assets, like technology, were in place,
CCP officials and local businessmen would collude together
to take embezzle them.
Some Taiwanese businessmen lost everything,
and some even lost their freedom and lives.

Tong Wenxun, Taiwanese human rights lawyer:
“We expose the fact that the CCP is not to be believed,
no matter what kind of relationship you have
with their high-ranking officials.
The ways they take away your asset is full of surprises.
They can do anything, even things beyond your imagination."

Although Taiwan and China have signed an
investment protection agreement,
the number of such cases increases yearly in China.

Taiwan’s Liberty Times quoted a report by China’s
State Council Taiwan Affairs Office as saying that
from 2000 to 2010 there were over 28,000
Taiwanese businessmen complaint cases.
Taiwan human rights lawyer Tong Wenxun discloses that
these complaints are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Tong Wenxun: “It’s very precious that the book was published.

Most Taiwanese businessmen have been robbed,
had their privacy violated, or been sent to ‘Black Jails,’
and they are usually reluctant to speak of it in public.

The cause for their silence is a combination of many
complex factors,
including their wish to reclaim their money once the
CCP has new leaders. They are also ashamed of it."

Why do Taiwanese businessmen get such treatment?
Tong Wenxun says this has become a trend in China.
The CCP regime takes private enterprises and private
foreign investors as good targets to rob at will.

Tong Wenxun: “The experiences of Taiwanese businessmen
in China aren’t isolated, and actually theirs are better protected.
Persecution toward Taiwanese mainly focuses on material loss.
But the CCP dares to persecute China’s people to death."

Tong Wenxun warns that the CCP’s wrong policies in past
years have led the Chinese economy to the brink of collapse.
She doesn’t want Taiwanese businessmen to
“feed meat to a wolf,"
and eventually become buried together with the CCP.

Tong Wenxun: “Those who still want to go to China to invest,

to get a piece of land development and to seize the last chance
need consider clearly and collect sufficient information,
because these people will be the last batch of victims
of the China bubble once it bursts."

Lately, more and more victimized Taiwanese investors
have been taking to the streets in Taiwan
to protest and expose the CCP’s persecution of
Taiwanese businessmen.
Taiwan’s authorities and more Taiwanese people are
alerting Taiwanese people not to believe the CCP’s lies.
