

美國「普林斯頓大學」經濟系教授保羅•羅賓•克魯格曼(Paul Robin Krugman),是2008年的諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,他也是《紐約時報》的專欄作家。










克魯格曼的文章還說,中共政權的說法是:它在建設社會主義的未來,實際上呢,它正在領導著一個裙帶資本主義的鍍金時代(Gilded Age)。那麼,這個政權的合法性又從何而來呢?主要是來自於經濟上的成功。如果這個方面出了問題,會發生甚麼?

簡天倫:「 中共政權的根基是甚麼?就是經濟發展。沒有經濟發展的話,他就沒有任何存在的基礎了,它唯一可以籠絡人心的就是把經濟GDP搞上去。」




採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Nobel Laureate: “China’s Ponzi Bicycle Is Running into a Brick Wall”

Recently, Economist Paul Krugman published
a commentary article in the New York Times.
In the article, he pointed out, “China’s low-consumption,
high-investment economy was a kind of Ponzi scheme.”
In addition, he described China’s economy as working
like a bicycle, “It falls over if it stops moving forward.”
Right now, China’s ponzi bicycle is running into a brick wall.

Paul Robin Krugman is a Professor of Economics
at Princeton University.
In 2008, Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economic Sciences.
He is also an op-ed columnist for the New York Times.

In his article, Krugman pointed out, “China’s
low-consumption, high-investment economy was a kind of Ponzi scheme.”
He also said, “Chinese businesses were investing
furiously not to build capacity to serve consumers who weren’t buying much,
but to serve buyers of investment goods —in effect,
investing to take advantage of future investment, adding even more capacity.
Would there ever be final buyers for what all this capacity
could produce? Unclear. So, a kind of Ponzi scheme.”

Dr. Jian Tianlun, distinguished American Economic Analyst,
has been dedicated to the study of China’s economy for years.
Dr. Jian said “ghost cities” and “dark cities” are
vivid proof of Krugman’s “Ponzi scheme” theory.

Jiang Tianlun: “Issues of capital excess in the electricity,
coal, and chemical industries are very severe in China.”

Xie Tian, Professor of Aiken Business School,
University of South Carolina, stated that
the Chinese Communist Party’s Ponzi scheme keeps
producing illusions of a rising stock market and housing markets
so that people continuously invest their money
in the market.
Nevertheless, the money that people have invested
ultimately went to all levels of the CCP’s governments, princelings, tycoons and officials.
Xie Tian also said China’s real estate market
is a huge bubble.

Xie Tian: “The CCP has been using a Ponzi scheme
to deceive Chinese people and international investors.
The Ponzi scheme is used as the engine
to push economic growth,
thus to create an illusion of economic prosperity
by exploiting the non-privileged group in China
and international investors.”

The Party’s Ponzi scheme fabricates a false
illusion of economic prosperity.
It has utilized China’s big population as bait
to attract international investment.
Once international investors with advanced
technologies are fooled and start investing in China,
the Party drives its national enterprises
to imitate the technologies and meanwhile rejects international businesses.

The experiences of Google in China have proved this point.

Krugman employed the bicycle metaphor
of China’s economy.
He said, “It’s a bicycle economy that falls over
if it stops moving forward.
And of course I’ve argued that running out
of peasants creates a wall.”

Krugman warned,” So, the Chinese Ponzi bicycle
is running into a brick wall.
Also, the fascist octopus has sung its swan song.”

Krugman also mentioned in his article,
“officially it’s building the socialist future,
in practice it’s presiding over a crony capitalist Gilded Age.

Where, then, does the regime’s legitimacy come from?
Mainly from economic success.
Let that success falter, and then what?”

Jian Tianlun: ”What is the foundation of the CCP’s regime?
It’s economic development.
Without it, it will lose any excuses for its existence.

The only way that the party tries
to win people’s report is to improve the GDP.”

Nonetheless, Zhu Yunlai, son of Zhu Rongji, delivered
a piece of shocking news to a TV station.
In the past 10 years, China’s residential income
has been decreasing all the time, he said.

Krugman also pointed out that the CCP’s dictatorship,
by all accounts, enables epic corruption.

Xietian stated that ordinary people in China don’t recognize
the CCP’s government as a people’s government anymore.
Based on the Party’s so-called economic growth,
people can only see that
the privileged groups have become wealthier,
that capital has been robbed, and that environment has been destroyed.
Once the bubble bursts, popular resentments will boil.

Along with the Party’s internal problems,
the CCP regime will completely collapse.
