


美國南卡羅萊納大學艾肯商學院教授謝田:「實際上是錢荒之際,中共措手不及,不得不向民間求助的辦法。但是從中共的本質上我們可以認定,它不會真正的讓民間資本進入銀行,起到控股的作用,最多讓民間資本參股, 只是在利用老百姓的錢,但不會給老百姓權利。」











採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

China’s Financial Crisis – A Desperate Situation

Over a dozen financial reform plans have reportedly
been brainstormed for China’s State Council.
Many discussions and seminars have also been
held over the past days.
Media have reported that a deputy premier even
held a meeting at 5:00 am to find a solution.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities
have recently given private capital access to the financial sector.
Also, it has boosted a reform of market-oriented
interest rates.
Expert say that all these signify that China’s
financial crisis has been desperate.
Will these approaches help the CCP to
settle problems?
Where is the crux of China’s financial crisis?
Let’s see what experts are saying about the issue.

The CCP authorities have declared they will push
forward interest rate liberalization reform.
The State Council has released guidance
on financial support for economic restructuring and transformation.
It specifically mentions to “expand private capital
into the financial sector.”

(Prof. Univ. of South Carolina –Aiken) Xie Tian:
“The CCP was caught unprepared by the banks’ shortage of money.
So this is a way for it to use private capital.

But we’re sure that the CCP’s nature decides that
it won’t really allow private capital to develop a predominant sharehold in the banks.
Private capital may hold partial ownership at most.

be blunt, this helps the CCP to use private money,
but it won’t give the populace real rights.”

CCP interest groups may also exploit the opportunity,
says Xie Tian.
That is, they inject the embezzled money from state
owned banks, but under the name of private capital.
A good way for them to transform state assets
into their own private property.

Xie Tian notes that the CCP fears losing control of
the economy, as it is the core of its control over China.
So, the regime won’t implement a full market operation.

The new CCP administration’s hasty pump of
500 million yuan,
which was intended to ease the recent
money shortage, has proved this, he says.

(Prof. of Economics, Peking University)Xia Yeliang:
“China’s financial system is fragile.
The money shortage shows a low level of marketization.
For a liberal system, liquidity is very important.
An occurrence of liquidity problems signals
systemic problems in financial sector.”

According to Xie Tian, China’s current economic
plight is due to a lack of “fair competition”,
“rule of law” and “watchdog journalism”.

These mechanisms weren’t introduced when the CCP
implemented the so-called economic liberalization.

Xie Tian: “Now China’s crises have occurred
in economy and in finance.
In fact, this is the moment when the dictatorship
clashes with the market forces.
Its interest rate liberalization reform definitely won’t
succeed, if the political system remains unchanged.”

China’s media has recently coined a new term,
“Li Keqiang Economics”.
It is interpreted with features of “no-stimulus”,
“deleveraging” and “structural reforms”.
That is, letting China’s economy get back
on the track of marketization.

Xie Tian: “The question is why he is doing so?

If he wants to use this measure to save the CCP,
it’s doomed to failure.
This is because it premises the existence of
CCP interest groups.
That makes him unable to truly think about
the interests of the Chinese people,
and neither can it really solve current problems in China.

The only solution to save China is to
get rid of the CCP’s dictatorial regime.
That’s the only way to bring new hope
for China’s financial system.”

The regime has also stated that private banks
shall be responsible for taking their own risks.
The formation of private financial institutions
will be under the leadership of a joint state agency.

Xie Tian indicates that the approach has formed
a sharp contrast to previous official cash injections in solving the state-owned banks’ crises.
This is also a reminder that that the CCP has
never truly welcomed private financial institutions.
Xie Tian points out that the CCP’s long-term pampering
has encouraged the state-owned banks reckless behavior.

Xie Tian mentions that in the US and in other
democratic countries, all banks are private.
Federal Deposit Insurance companies protect
local citizens against losses in case of bank failure.
