【禁聞】10年解決重中之重無果 何時解決




中國公民監政會發起人 郭永豐:「在這個體制下,它主要是維護當權者的利益,大多數老百姓的根本問題它是不會解決的,光是口頭上說重中之重,實際上沒有行動,唱一些假大空的空話而已,他解決不了的。」








採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

CCP’s 10th Consecutive Year ‘Top Priority’

Recently, the central Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
issued No.1 Document (the first policy document for 2013.)
It claims CCP spent 10 years focusing on “three rural”
issues: “agriculture, rural areas and farmers.”
In addition, it said that the CCP considered
the three issues a top priority.
However, why the top priority issues couldn’t be solved in
a whole decade? How long can it take to solve three issues?
If CCP spent 10 years on a ‘top priority’ issue, yet nothing
changed, is CCP capable of solving China’s problems?

No.1 Document refers to the first document
issued at the beginning of each year.
It becomes CCP’s tradition
to emphasize the rural issues.
From 1982 to 1986, within five years, the CCP issued five
No.1 documents on “agriculture, rural areas and farmers.”
The documents specifically designed the so-called
“plans” toward rural reform and agricultural development.

CCP published its No.1 document, “The Central CCP and
The State Council Opinions On Accelerating Modern Agricultural Industry and Rural Areas’ Development.
This is the 10th consecutive year that the CCP focuses
on solving the three rural issues in its No.1 document.
The document emphasizes those agricultural issues
have to be given a top priority.
And that integrating urban and rural development
is the fundamental way to solve the “three rural” issues.

Guo Yongfeng, founder of China Citizen Watchdog: “Under
such a system, CCP mainly focuses on its own interests.
It can’t solve most citizens’ fundamental problems.

They promised on the surface, but there is no real action.
They talk empty words, but can’t solve problems.”

No.1 document lists intensified conflicts between increased
population and lessened land, as well as the water shortage.
It talks about large-scale farmer migrant workers outflow,
part-time farming, villages hollowing, population aging, etc..

Liu Yingquan, former History Professor, Mainland China:
“Rural issues haven’t been solved, the fundamental cause is the system and the corrupt officials.
Basically, it needs to solve the one party authoritarian issues,
and the farmers’ burden.
For example, to remove farmer’s household registration
system, allowing farmers to move freely,
and to allow privatization of land, buying or selling land
on the market without the control of the government.”

No.1 document also imposes rural industrialization,
information technology, urbanization and agricultural modernization’s developing simultaneously.
Or to strengthen the basic support
for the modern agricultural industry.
Analysts believe, the detailed opinions in the document will
be Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang’s policy-making references.
Particularly Li Keqiang, he has already attempted to get rid
of the rural and urban gap, dreaming for rural urbanization.

Guo Yongfeng: “Urbanization maybe isn’t the best choice.

Many people in urban areas dream to live in the countryside,
in a good, quiet and relax environment, with a fresh air.
In the cities is too noisy, with heavy pollution,
thus many people want to move to the countryside.
In today’s society, the countryside is the base,
without agriculture, this society will collapse.
Some measures are dictator’s individual will,
they are very superficial approaches.”

Liu stressed that the process of rural urbanization in the past,
didn’t do farmers a favor, on the contrary, farmers become target of interests’ gain.
The process of demolitions resulted
in people becoming homeless on a large-scale.

Liu Yingquan: “On the contrary, farmers lost their lands.
Their farmlands are being seized. They became homeless.
In addition, the current policy doesn’t allow farmers to move
to the cities. If they do, they become the third-class citizens.
They can’t buy a house, can’t go to school, or find jobs.
If their child goes to school, they need to pay donation fees. They don’t have standard insurance either.
Thus, farmers can’t live a normal life in the countryside
without a land anymore, so they end up wondering around.”

Guo believes, only by pushing forward the political reform
and disintegrating the one-party dictatorship,
can the real talents obtain their jobs through competition,
serve the society, and China’s various problems be solved.
